Trees in the city : the roots of the future. Prospects of development of urban green spaces in Italy
- Trees in the city : the roots of the future. Prospects of development of urban green spaces in Italy
- 2013-11-21T09:00:00+00:00
- 2013-11-21T17:30:00+00:00
- When Nov 21, 2013 from 09:00 AM to 05:30 PM (GMT+0 / UTC0)
- Where Roma, Parco dell'Appia Antica (ex cartiera) • Via Appia, 42
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On the occasion of the "National Day of Trees" a conference on urban green spaces will be held in Rome on November 21st, at the former paper mill in the Regional Park of Appia Antica. The evet, organized by ISPRA and the Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea, in collaboration with the Regional Park of Appia Antica and the Municipality of Rome, wants to be an opportunity to present and explain the recent Law 10/2013 "Standards for the development of urban green spaces", that promotes the creation of green areas, the enhancement of their environmental services and the protection of veteran trees.
The conference will take place in two sessions: an institutional one in the morning, during which the main aspects of the law will be presented, with a special attention to the role of local authorities in urban green areas planning and management. In the afternoon a technical session will take place, addressing detailed aspects related to the design of urban green spaces and their ecosystem services such as mitigation of air pollution.
In addition, Tuesday Nov. 19th will be held at the house of the former mill in the Regional Park of Appia Antica, an initiative of sustainability-oriented environmental education, aimed to learn about trees and how to respect them.