Workshop: "Evaluation of physical effects related to sediment handling in marine-coastal areas: tools and methodologies of approach"
- Workshop: "Evaluation of physical effects related to sediment handling in marine-coastal areas: tools and methodologies of approach"
- 2019-04-10T00:00:00+00:00
- 2019-04-10T23:59:59+00:00
- When Apr 10, 2019 (GMT+0 / UTC0)
- Where Livorno, Fortezza Vecchia
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Sediment handling operations in marine-coastal areas can alter the natural chemical, physical and biological ecosystem balance. Mathematical models support the quantification of potential environmental effects, in the various phases of planning and management of operations, to evaluate project choices and plan monitoring. The project Se.D.Ri.Port. aims to share procedures and strategies across borders and is financed by the Interreg Program of cooperation between Italy and Maritime France 2014-2020. Starting from current regulations and best practices, ISPRA and ARPAL share methodological principles with the aim of creating operational tools to address the issue of dredging and sediment management through the implementation of models. Specific insights are aimed at optimizing the monitoring networks in harbour areas.
Particular focus of the day will be represented by the use of modeling and the methodological criteria to support the optimization of modeling studies and interactions with the monitoring activities contained illustrated in the ISPRA manual: "Mathematical modelling in the assessment of physical effects induced by sediment handling in marine-coastal areas" (ISPRA, 2017)
The event is free and will be mainly in Italian, with simultaneous translation in both French and English