The first ISPRA Environmental Damage Report. The ascertained cases in the years 2017 and 2018
Roma, 17 october
The 2019 edition of the Environmental Damage Report in Italy represents the first ISPRA report on the State's action on the prevention and repair of environmental damage. With Law 132 -2016, the National System for Environmental Protection was established, a coordinated system by ISPRA which has been given the task of supporting, on a technical level, the competent authority in environmental damage actions. The report therefore, is based on the reconstruction of the cases of proven damage in the years 2017 and 2018 and involved interested public and private subjects: administrations competent in environmental matters, operators of economic / productive activities, research bodies, insurance companies, associations of environmental protection and citizens, stakeholders
- The first ISPRA Environmental Damage Report. The ascertained cases in the years 2017 and 2018
- 2019-10-17T09:30:00+00:00
- 2019-10-17T13:00:00+00:00
- Roma, 17 october The 2019 edition of the Environmental Damage Report in Italy represents the first ISPRA report on the State's action on the prevention and repair of environmental damage. With Law 132 -2016, the National System for Environmental Protection was established, a coordinated system by ISPRA which has been given the task of supporting, on a technical level, the competent authority in environmental damage actions. The report therefore, is based on the reconstruction of the cases of proven damage in the years 2017 and 2018 and involved interested public and private subjects: administrations competent in environmental matters, operators of economic / productive activities, research bodies, insurance companies, associations of environmental protection and citizens, stakeholders
- When Oct 17, 2019 from 09:30 AM to 01:00 PM (GMT+0 / UTC0)
- Where Roma, Camera dei Deputati, Sala del Refettorio, via del Seminario, 76
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Press release (ita)
Report Ispra environmental damage
Schede di 10 casi accertati in Italia
Ambientali naturali più danneggiati dai 30 casi accertati (2017 -2018)
Ripartizione per regione delle 161 istruttorie tecnico-scientifiche aperte da Ispra (2017-2018)
I numeri e gli esiti delle istruttorie svolte negli anni 2017 e 2018
- Antonio Guariniello (ISPRA) - Il primo Rapporto ISPRA sul danno ambientale
- Salvatore Caldara (ARPA Sicilia) - Le attività in ambito SNPA
Intervento di Hand Lopatta (European Commission) - The European Directive on Environmental Liability (ELD) - Update on recent developments(Video)
Segreteria Organizzativa:
Silvia Bacchiocchi –