Sustainable management of sediments and blue growth in coastal areas and in medium and small ports
Rimini, 5 november
National Coastal Erosion Table Ecomondo Scientific Technical Committee, ISPRA, GNRAC
The Conference aims to present the progress advancement of the works relating to the sediment resource carried out within the National Coastal Erosion Table, in order to establish a Coastal Observatory, on the estimate of resources from different sources, technical aspects and new technologies for their management, environmental and regulatory aspects
- Sustainable management of sediments and blue growth in coastal areas and in medium and small ports
- 2019-11-05T10:00:00+00:00
- 2019-11-05T17:00:00+00:00
- Rimini, 5 november National Coastal Erosion Table Ecomondo Scientific Technical Committee, ISPRA, GNRAC The Conference aims to present the progress advancement of the works relating to the sediment resource carried out within the National Coastal Erosion Table, in order to establish a Coastal Observatory, on the estimate of resources from different sources, technical aspects and new technologies for their management, environmental and regulatory aspects
- When Nov 05, 2019 from 10:00 AM to 05:00 PM (GMT+0 / UTC0)
- Where Fiera di Rimini - Ecomondo, sala Reclaim Expo | pad. C1
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Besides it wants to contribute to analyze the issues, from the partod public and private subjects, with regards to the application aspects and possible improvements to the current regulations, DM 173/2016, in implementation of Legislative Decree 152/2006 art. 109, on the basis of actions that are as effective as possible in managing and using the various resources for coastal adaptation, port management and water courses, for Blue Growth. Sustainable growth combined with safety objectives territories and the protection of the coastal environment.
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