Fourth day of Geology and History: Earthquakes, tsunamis, ground effects, cartography and historical research
Rome, 4 march
- Fourth day of Geology and History: Earthquakes, tsunamis, ground effects, cartography and historical research
- 2020-03-04T00:00:00+00:00
- 2020-03-04T23:59:59+00:00
- Rome, 4 march The topics addressed in this study day will be historical earthquakes, tsunamis, the effects on the ground produced, as well as information taken from historical sources, drawings and stories collected after these catastrophic events. Historical earthquakes are a vast and debated topic which also represents the history of the teachings that could be better identified. The damage produced by the earthquakes of the past was always very heavy and the reconstruction of the images and historical information has been and will be learned for the future. Much more, however, can be done with the joint effort of the whole scientific community.
- When Mar 04, 2020 (GMT+0 / UTC0)
- Where Rome, Società Geografica Italiana, Villa Celimontana
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The Department for the Geological Service of Italy - ISPRA, the Italian Geographic Society and SIGEA propose a study-day on "Earthquakes, tsunamis, ground effects, cartography and historical research"
The main issues addressed in the first six days scheduled will be the following:
• underground cavities hidden or disappeared under the urban context
• the effects on the ground due to landslides, collapses, liquefactions of the land, lake creations, river bed obstruction, changes in the landscape in general and historical research
• the evolution of the cartographic representation of the territory and the information that it conceals, the changes in the landscape and geo-morphological processes
• Geological landscapes and natural hazards in the history of art.
To send contributions, oral communications or posters, it will be necessary to fill in the format and send to: by the 26 january 2019.
To participate click HERE
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