Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


"Talents for science": on 25 and 26 September Scienzainsieme and the NET Project in a week dedicated to science

At the CineVillage Arena Parco Talenti, a weekend dedicated to science with workshops, interactive activities, talks for children - and not only - the NET corner. It will be the opportunity to discover science in a fun way. It starts on Friday 25 September with 'A whole different climate. The century of global challenges': in an age of global challenges, science is the fundamental key to interpretation to open our eyes to the future and make informed choices. With Donatella Bianchi, WWF president, author and host of Linea Blu, Antonello Pasini, climate physicist Cnr-Iia and Alessandra Celi of Fridays For Future Italia will be faced the themes about climate, environment, health and the importance of correct communication.

  • "Talents for science": on 25 and 26 September Scienzainsieme and the NET Project in a week dedicated to science
  • 2020-09-25T00:00:00+00:00
  • 2020-09-26T23:59:59+00:00
  • At the CineVillage Arena Parco Talenti, a weekend dedicated to science with workshops, interactive activities, talks for children - and not only - the NET corner. It will be the opportunity to discover science in a fun way. It starts on Friday 25 September with ' A whole different climate. The century of global challenges ': in an age of global challenges, science is the fundamental key to interpretation to open our eyes to the future and make informed choices. With Donatella Bianchi, WWF president, author and host of Linea Blu, Antonello Pasini, climate physicist Cnr-Iia and Alessandra Celi of Fridays For Future Italia will be faced the themes about climate, environment, health and the importance of correct communication.
  • When Sep 25, 2020 to Sep 26, 2020 (GMT+0 / UTC0)
  • Where Rome, CineVillage Arena Parco Talenti
  • Add event to calendar iCal

Access is free with reservation

Saturday 26 September, Gabriella Greison with her 'Quantum Monologue' tells, with photos, music and videos, the most shocking, mysterious, funny, human facts that gave birth to quantum physics.

Access is free with reservation

Finally, on Saturday 26 September at 10.30 pm, an appointment with '2 Talents for science': Mario Tozzi, CNR researcher and scientific tv conductor, and Lorenzo Baglioni, mathematician, singer and actor. A dialogue that focuses on the fundamental issue of climate change.

Access is free with reservation

During the two evenings, from 18:00 to 22:00, the researchers of ISPRA and the partners of the NET project will entertain the public with workshops, talks and interactive activities
