Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



Interreg Alpine SpaceEco-AlpsWater Workshop

Dec 09, 2020 to Dec 10, 2020 Online event,
The workshop on EcoAlpsWater will be held on line the next 9 and 10 December 2020, opened to all colleagues interested in research topics on environmental DNA and metagenomics techniques. The event  will consist of several seminars in English that will cope with the description and logic of the activities in progress in the project, results and perspectives. Overall, it will be a knowledge transfer event, in line with one of the main objectives of the project itself.

Presentation of the book: "Italy loses land. Land consumption and territory degradation"

Dec 04, 2020 from 03:00 PM to 04:00 PM Online event,
On 4th December at 3.00 pm ISPRA presents the Volume "Italy loses Italy loses land. Land consumption and territory degradation" which shows the consequences of decades of land exploitation to the detriment of agricultural and natural areas. Every year, in recent decades, ten thousand hectares of agricultural land are lost due to the pervasive invasion of cements, with the consequence of the devastation of millenary balances, the suppression of biodiversity, natural hydrological disasters and the increase of environmental pollution. ISPRA, on the occasion of the presentation of the 2019 land consumption annual report, has invited Angelo Antolino to show the consequences of this myopia, trough with his exemplary project "Italian souvenir": a comparison between satellite images and photographs, an emblematic sampling of 'before' and 'after' in terms of artificial coverings on the national territory which plastically translates the urgency to change course. The volume aims to enclose the memory of the exhibition, offering a complete overview of images.

XI ReMi network meeting

Dec 21, 2020 from 10:00 AM Online event,
The XI  ReMi meeting reserved for the members of the Network coordination committee will be held online next 21 December.

From theory to practice: capitalization of the results obtained from the Interreg Italy - France Maritime SEDRIPORT, SEDITERRA and GRAMAS projects

Dec 10, 2020 from 10:00 AM to 01:00 PM Webinar,
On December 10, the Webinar entitled "From theory to practice: capitalization of the results obtained from the Interreg Italia Francia Marittimo Se.D.Ri.Port, Sediterra and Gramas projects" will be held organized and coordinated by ISPRA as part of the Se .D.Ri.Port, funded by the INTERREG Italy-France Maritime 2014-2020 program".

First ISPRA Report on environmental criticalities. The Institute's activities in application of the precautionary principle and the prevention of environmental effects

Dec 15, 2020 from 10:00 AM to 01:30 PM Online event,
On 15 December ISPRA will present the first report on the activities carried out by the Institute in the two-year period 2018-2019 in the frame of the support requests received from the Italian Ministry of the Environment on the prevention of environmental risk. In addition to dealing with two specific cases (Fire of the industrial area of ​​Porto Torres (SS) and the Landfill of Mazzarrà Sant'Andrea (ME), a specific round table will discussed the Precautionary Principle introduced by Legislative Decree nr. 152/ 2006 Video Ispra report on environmental criticalities and the precautionary principle in the Law 152/206

Presentation of the SNPA Report "Air quality in Italy - first edition 2020"

Dec 01, 2020 from 09:00 AM to 05:00 PM
On December 1 it will be presented the national report on air quality, in its first edition, in live streaming. The volume, carried out as part of the activities of the National System for Environmental Protection (SNPA), describes the state and trend of atmospheric pollution in Italy in the decade 2010-2019 and contains a series of in-depth monographs useful to understand the phenomena and trends in progress. One chapter is dedicated to air quality in Italy during the lockdown.