Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


From theory to practice: capitalization of the results obtained from the Interreg Italy - France Maritime SEDRIPORT, SEDITERRA and GRAMAS projects

On December 10, the Webinar entitled "From theory to practice: capitalization of the results obtained from the Interreg Italia Francia Marittimo Se.D.Ri.Port, Sediterra and Gramas projects" will be held organized and coordinated by ISPRA as part of the Se .D.Ri.Port, funded by the INTERREG Italy-France Maritime 2014-2020 program".

  • When Dec 10, 2020 from 10:00 AM to 01:00 PM (GMT+0 / UTC0)
  • Where Webinar
  • Add event to calendar iCal

The seminar aims to share the results obtained by the project, also presenting the objectives achieved by other Interreg projects funded on the same thematic cluster (Fight against silting up of ports).
The seminar will be attended by some partners representing the three projects and representatives of the Port System Authorities, the world of universities, research and planning.



Organization: Sabrina Panico, Simona Macchia, Maria Elena Piccione and Cristian Mugnai