National meeting EcoAlpsWater Project
On Friday 10 Septemeber 2021 it will be held “Innovative Ecological Assessment and Water Management Strategy for the Protection of Ecosystem Services in Alpine Lakes and Rivers”.
- National meeting EcoAlpsWater Project
- 2021-09-10T09:45:00+00:00
- 2021-09-10T13:30:00+00:00
- On Friday 10 Septemeber 2021 it will be held “Innovative Ecological Assessment and Water Management Strategy for the Protection of Ecosystem Services in Alpine Lakes and Rivers”.
- When Sep 10, 2021 from 09:45 AM to 01:30 PM (GMT+0 / UTC0)
- Where Online event
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The Project, within the European program of transnational cooperation for the Alpine regions Interreg Alpine Space, analyzed the environmental DNA (Environmental DNA - eDNA) in rivers and lakes in the Alpine area with the use of Next Generation Sequencing (NGS), and an experiment was conducted for the applicability of the method in the extra-alpine area.
The Project, which will end in October 2021, started in April 2018 with the participation of 12 Partners (5 research bodies and 7 national or regional public authorities) and 37 Observers from 6 different countries. For the experimentation in the extra-Alpine area, ISPRA set up an SNPA Working Group which involved 11 Agencies and conducted the experimentation on lakes and rivers in central Italy.
The rapid identification of species of aquatic organisms such as phytoplankton, phytobenthos, eukaryotes, bacteria / cyanobacteria, fish, at a low cost, can complement traditional monitoring methods by providing support for management decisions on water resources.
During the Meeting the results of the biomonitoring of lakes and rivers obtained through the application of high throughput sequencing (HTS) methods in the Alpine Space and the experimentation activities carried out in the extra-Alpine area will be presented and discussed.
At the participants will be send the link to participate at the meeting