IED and the Seville process
The role of ISPRA and the SNPA in supporting the Ministry of Ecological Transition.
The seminar promoted by ISPRA in collaboration with the other structures of the National Service for the Protection of the Environment (SNPA) will be a moment of confrontation between the protagonists, in various capacities, of the technical / scientific support provided to the Ministry of Ecological Transition (MiTE) for international activities related to the “Seville process” (IED Directive) and an information opportunity for all stakeholders on industrial emissions issues.
- IED and the Seville process
- 2022-06-21T15:00:00+00:00
- 2022-06-21T16:00:00+00:00
- The role of ISPRA and the SNPA in supporting the Ministry of Ecological Transition. The seminar promoted by ISPRA in collaboration with the other structures of the National Service for the Protection of the Environment (SNPA) will be a moment of confrontation between the protagonists, in various capacities, of the technical / scientific support provided to the Ministry of Ecological Transition (MiTE) for international activities related to the “Seville process” (IED Directive) and an information opportunity for all stakeholders on industrial emissions issues.
- When Jun 21, 2022 from 03:00 PM to 04:00 PM (GMT+0 / UTC0)
Add event to calendar
- Barbara Bellomo (ISPRA) - Le reti tematiche SNPA, Linee programmatiche attività 2021-2023
- Antonio Domenico Milillo (Ministero della transizione ecologica– VA-2 ) - Il “Processo di Siviglia”: inquadramento normativo e meccanismi di attuazione
- Fabio Colonna (ARPA Lombardia) - TXT Bref. Stato dei lavori
- Carlo Carlucci (ISPRA) - STM BRef e WGC BRef - Stato dei lavori
- Adele Lo Monaco (Arpae Emilia-Romagna) - CER BRef-Stato dei lavori
- Valeria Trotta (Policy/ Scientific Officer SNE c/o JRC Sevilla) - Gli sviluppi futuri della Direttiva IED, dei BREF e delle BATC
- Nadia Tomasini (ARPA Lombardia) - Linea guida per il coinvolgimento del SNPA nel processo ascendente del BRef
- Davide Iaria (ISPRA) - Sviluppo di Best Available Techniques (BAT) in cicli industriali
- Roberto Borghesi (ISPRA) - Sviluppo di Best Available Techniques (BAT) in cicli industriali