Policies and tools for local adaptation to support the drafting of SECAPs
The workshop will take place on 21 March in Rome, as part of the Policy Support Facility (PSF) initiative, a support tool for the European Covenant of Mayors launched by the Commission to support local and regional authorities in implementing the adaptation strategies envisaged in the framework of SECAPs (SECAP) - Action Plan for Sustainable Energy and Climate.
- https://development.isprambiente.gov.it/en/archive/ispra-events/2023/03/policies-and-tools-for-local-adaptation-to-support-the-drafting-of-secaps
- Policies and tools for local adaptation to support the drafting of SECAPs
- 2023-03-21T09:30:00+01:00
- 2023-03-21T16:30:00+01:00
- The workshop will take place on 21 March in Rome, as part of the Policy Support Facility (PSF) initiative, a support tool for the European Covenant of Mayors launched by the Commission to support local and regional authorities in implementing the adaptation strategies envisaged in the framework of SECAPs (SECAP) - Action Plan for Sustainable Energy and Climate.
- When Mar 21, 2023 from 09:30 AM to 04:30 PM (Europe/Berlin / UTC100)
- Where PALAZZO VALENTINI - Aula Consiliare “GIORGIO FREGOSI” - Via IV Novembre 119/A, Roma
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The program takes place in two thematic sessions: the first is focused on climate risks and possible adaptation actions to be adopted and developed at the local level. The second involves the presentation of the Guidelines created to support the drafting of regional and local adaptation plans and attached to the National Plan for Adaptation to Climate Change (PNACC) recently published on the MASE website
Link to projects and initiatives of Municipalities and Regions
- Metodologie per i piani regionali e locali di adattamento: le linee guida
Antonio CARBONE, CReIAMO PA - Sogesid SpA - Metodologie per la definizione di strategie e piani locali di adattamento ai cambiamenti climatici
Luca Trepiedi, Unità Tecnica di Supporto Linea 5 – Sogesid SPA - Metodologie per la definizione di strategie e piani locali di adattamento ai cambiamenti climatici - esercitazione pratica
Daniela Santonico - ISPRA - PSF: Policy Support Facility on Adaptation
Andrea Carosi, Covenant of Mayors - Europe - Le attività di ISPRA sull’adattamento: dal livello nazionale a quello locale
Francesca Giordano - ISPRA - Il PNACC e il Programma sperimentale di interventi per l’adattamento ai cambiamenti climatici in ambito urbano
Fabiana Baffo - MASE - Le linee di finanziamento per le misure di adattamento: dal PNRR ai programmi europei
Andrea Pignatti - In Europa srl - Patto dei Sindaci. Sfide e criticità nell’adattamento locale
Aldo Treville, Centro Comune di Ricerca (JRC)