Innovation and sustainability in the CARG Geological Cartography Project
The event "Innovation and sustainability in the CARG Geological Cartography Project" will be held on 16 November 2023.
The event aims to present the new technologies and innovative aspects of the Geological Mapping Project at 1:50,000 scale - CARG Project and its implications in terms of environmental sustainability. The CARG Project, through collaboration between public institutions and the world of research, applies digital systems and modern techniques for the acquisition, analysis and management of geological and geothematic data, generating new knowledge useful for the management, protection and enhancement of the environment. Collaboration with the business world also guarantees access to strategic information, processed and integrated thanks to the use of 3D modeling techniques, fundamental for the study of the subsoil, resources and geological hazards.
- Innovation and sustainability in the CARG Geological Cartography Project
- 2023-11-16T14:30:00+01:00
- 2023-11-16T18:00:00+01:00
- The event "Innovation and sustainability in the CARG Geological Cartography Project" will be held on 16 November 2023. The event aims to present the new technologies and innovative aspects of the Geological Mapping Project at 1:50,000 scale - CARG Project and its implications in terms of environmental sustainability. The CARG Project, through collaboration between public institutions and the world of research, applies digital systems and modern techniques for the acquisition, analysis and management of geological and geothematic data, generating new knowledge useful for the management, protection and enhancement of the environment. Collaboration with the business world also guarantees access to strategic information, processed and integrated thanks to the use of 3D modeling techniques, fundamental for the study of the subsoil, resources and geological hazards.
- When Nov 16, 2023 from 02:30 PM to 06:00 PM (Europe/Berlin / UTC100)
- Where Fiera ETE Expo di Firenze, Sala Margherita Hack, Padiglione Spadolini
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