Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


One geology – Europe

  • When Jan 01, 2008 from 09:00 AM to 03:00 PM (GMT+0 / UTC0)
  • Where Rome
  • Add event to calendar iCal

Kick-off Meeting
Rome, 11-12 September, ISPRA Auditorium, via Curtatone, 7
The official launch of the international project ‘OneGeology-Europe’ has been held in ISPRA Auditorium. “Only a constructive collaboration betweeen countries can lead us to confront succesfully with the global challenges we are facing.” These have been the words of the opening greeting of ISPRA Commissioner. He also underlined the conviction that environment protection depends first of all from an international level planning. This initiative will allow Europe to have a leader role inside the global OneGeology project, through the development of a geological data system based on the guidelines given by the Directive INSPIRE. Thirty national geological services reunited for this occasion. Notable guests have been Marcel Watelet, Project Officer and Ian Jackson, OneGeology executive secretary, Project Manager for OneGeology-Europe and Director of Operations of Britannic Geological Service, who confirmed the superior level of the european project compared to the global one for the faculty to elaborate more and more detailed data, facilitating their publication.

Press release 
OneGeology website