Project (PROTection of European Cultural HEritage from GeO – hazards)
- Project (PROTection of European Cultural HEritage from GeO – hazards)
- 2015-12-04T09:30:00+00:00
- 2015-12-04T17:30:00+00:00
- When Dec 04, 2015 from 09:30 AM to 05:30 PM (GMT+0 / UTC0)
- Where Roma, ISPRA
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It will be held in Rome at the Ispra headquarte, the first meeting of the project Prothego, with the participation of experts from the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism and representatives of European Space Agency (ESA) and Italian Space Agency(ASI).
The project aims to develo a risks atlas faced by the UNESCO sites through the analysis of data from satellites equipped with radar sensors.
Prothego will apply this new spatial technology to monuments and sites that can discovered as a potentially unstable for geological hazards.
Press release (ita)