Presentation of the Environmental Data Yearbook 2014-2015
- Presentation of the Environmental Data Yearbook 2014-2015
- 2015-07-29T09:00:00+00:00
- 2015-07-29T13:30:00+00:00
- When Jul 29, 2015 from 09:00 AM to 01:30 PM (GMT+0 / UTC0)
- Where Roma, Auditorium MATTM - Via Capitan Bavastro, 180
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The 2015 edition of the Environmental Data Yearbook - official data collection concerning the environment and recognized as a point of reference for Italy - includes together the editions of 2014 and 2015, making the environmental information offered more updated to the current. ISPRA thus achieves one of the main objectives of its mission: coordination of the collection and spreading of environmental information, also through the established relationship and collaboration with the Agencies for the environmental protection of the Regions and Autonomous Provinces. The round table planned during the seminar aims to debate the institutional meaning of the environmental Reporting and the contribution of the different subjects involved in the public research of the Country.
Program (ita )
Press communication ( ita )
Environmental Data Yearbook - edition 2014-2015
Key topics highlight - Environmental Yearbook 2014-15
Recapitulate the environment: Environmental Data Yearbook 2014-2015
Paola Giambanco - 06-5007.2160
Valeria Stradaioli - 06-5007.4171