Final Conference LINKVIT project : INSPIRE training
ISPRA together with the other Partners will organize the final conference next 23 October in Rome - Centro Congressi Roma Eventi, Piazza della Pilotta, 4 - aimed to present the definitive e-learning platform, the results and the improvement process of the products.During the morning it will be presented the e-learning platform, the results and the improvement process of the products
- Final Conference LINKVIT project : INSPIRE training
- 2015-10-23T09:00:00+00:00
- 2015-10-23T14:00:00+00:00
- ISPRA together with the other Partners will organize the final conference next 23 October in Rome - Centro Congressi Roma Eventi, Piazza della Pilotta, 4 - aimed to present the definitive e-learning platform, the results and the improvement process of the products.During the morning it will be presented the e-learning platform, the results and the improvement process of the products
- When Oct 23, 2015 from 09:00 AM to 02:00 PM (GMT+0 / UTC0)
- Where Roma - Centro Congressi Roma Eventi (Carducci Congress Hall), Pontificial Library - Piazza della Pilotta, 4
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During the conference will be organized 3 followed parallel training sessions devoted to the following aspects:
Action 1- Basic elements of INSPIRE (lesson in English): Introduction to the INSPIRE Directive, services and exchange information; Basic concepts on INSPIRE specifications for data.
Action 2 - Data management and INSPIRE (lesson in Italian): Procedures to harmonize data and metadata; Examples of data transformation. For the next lesson it is recommend the use of your Laptop to perform practical exercises.
Action 3- In-depth analysis geological domain and geohazard (lesson in Italian): Geological data harmonization; Risk management and examples of transformation geological-geothematic data.
LINKVIT (Leveraging INspire Knowledge into Vocational Innovative Training) is a project focused on harmonization and adaptation of existing training materials to meet the needs and demands of professionals in the field of geoinformation (GI). The project was created by the introduction of a new legal framework following the emanation of the INSPIRE and related EU directives to regulate geographic and environmental information. The workshop will present the e-learning platform used by LINKVIT, to assess the professional profile and describe training modules.
Because of limited space it is requested the registration at the event and one of the training activities in the afternoon session.
- Plenary Session
- Action 1 - Basic elements of INSPIRE (English lesson)
- Action 2 - Data management and INSPIRE (Italian lesson)
- Action 3- In-depth analysis geological domain and geohazard (Italian lesson)
Mornig conference will be in streaming live