Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



My land has value

The web site La Mia Terra Vale – My Land has value will hosts in the next weeks 5 videos spots produced by ISPRA as part of FARENAIT Communication Project, co-funded by the LIFE + program of European Commission, which aims is to involve and inform those who live and work in agricultural and rural areas within the Natura 2000 Network sites in Italy, for the conservation of biodiversity, by means of the promotion of the exchange of knowledge between businesses, agriculture sector, scientific world and public administration.

March 22, 2013: ISPRA for World Water Day

On March 22 of each year, it is celebratde the World Water Day, an international event established by the UN in 1992. The 2013 is also the International Year of Water Cooperation, organized by the UN to raise awareness about key resource for life on the planet that is often wasted in Western civilization.