Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Preparatory meeting of IRRS mission of IAEA

Last 2 and 3 March it was held at ISPRA headquarter a meeting to prepare  the mission "Integrated Regulatory Review Service" (IRRS) of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), planned for November 2016, aimed to review the regulatory and control system for nuclear safety and radiation protection of installations and activity of ionizing radiation sources, including radioactive waste.

The meeting was attended by the General Directors and functionaries of the Nuclear technological and industrial risks Department of ISPRA, representatives of the Ministry of Economic Development, the Ministry of Environment, Land and Sea, the Ministry of 'Interior, the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, the Ministry of Health, the Department of Civil Protection, the Region and ARPA Piemonte.

The IRRS mission is led by a group of international experts who will examine the various aspects of regulation and control to satisfy the obligations established by international treaties ratified by Italy in the nuclear field, and other aspect of "security."

The mission is an important opportunities for continual improvement of the system of regulation and control in the nuclear field. The mission also allows Italy to comply with its obligations under the Directive 2009/71 / Euratom on the safety of nuclear installations, which requires EU Member States to submit the national regulatory system to an international review process.