Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Data analyses of bird hunting licenses concerning the hunting season 2014-2015

With the purpose of ensuring compliance with the principles and constant monitoring of the hunting birds, imposed by the Birds Directive 2009/147 / EC, the Ministry of Environment, Land and Sea has requested to ISPRA a data analysis of the bird hunting licenses to the Italian regions.

ISPRA has already completed the first analysis of the collected data: only eight Regions have given the required data, representing less than half of the national territory; furthermore, only four regions have provided data on the  hunting effort, an information essential o assess the sustainability of the levy hunting

Nevertheless ISPRA has confirmed its commitment to improve the collection and analysis of data hunting, in order to provide a more adequate knowledge framework of the levy made on the bird species in Italian territory, including through more effective collaboration with the Ministries , the Regions and Autonomous Provinces, and with hunting associations and environmental.

