Valtellina 30 years later: culture, legislation and politics of the territory. What kind of changes?
- Valtellina 30 years later: culture, legislation and politics of the territory. What kind of changes?
- 2017-09-22T08:30:00+00:00
- 2017-09-22T17:00:00+00:00
- When Sep 22, 2017 from 08:30 AM to 05:00 PM (GMT+0 / UTC0)
- Where Morbegno (SO)
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1987-2017 - anniversary of the flood in Valtellina
It was 30 years ago since the dramatic July 1987, when the area of Valtellina was hit by a disaster. The landslides and floods caused 53 deaths, thousands of displaced people and the destruction of entire inhabited centers, roads and bridges.
Aftert thirty years from this event, things have changed: both for the introduction of Law 102 of 1990, best known as "Valtellina Law", which allocated funds for road construction,technological infrastructures and hydrogeological reorganization plans for the land protection both in terms of the geological and environmental knowledge.
The event will be an opportunity to review, through technical and regulatory evolution, the road of these 30 years trying to draw ideas for useful reflection for the future. ISPRA experts will participate in the event.