Workshop on the intermediate results of the Sites of Community Importance project in Calabria
- Workshop on the intermediate results of the Sites of Community Importance project in Calabria
- 2019-05-15T14:30:00+00:00
- 2019-05-15T17:30:00+00:00
- When May 15, 2019 from 02:30 PM to 05:30 PM (GMT+0 / UTC0)
- Where Arcavacata di Rende – Cosenza
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The workshop is organized by Arpacal (Regional Agency for Environmental Protection of Calabria) with the collaboration of the Calabria Region, ISPRA, CNR - National Research Council, Department of Ecology Biology and UNICAL Earth Sciences and the UNICAL Mechanical and Energy Engineering Department. Along the Calabrian coasts, which extend for about 800 km, have been established 14 Marine Community Importance Sites (SCIs) and 5 SIC Sites coastal.
The Calabria Region intends to support projects aimed at conserving and enhancing the marine biodiversity heritage of Calabria, reducing and controlling the human pressures that constitute a threat, favoring an economic use and sustainable fruition for the benefit of current and future generations.
ISPRA experts will join the workshop.