Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



ISPRA at the Conference of Scientific and Spatial experts 2019 - Sea Technology and innovation that "speaks" Italian

The Conference of Scientific and Spatial experts 2019 is held yesterday and today in Rome, at the headquarters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Sea and innovation main topics of the conference, a meeting that brings together Italian experts, resindet in 26 diplomatic offices around the world, together with the representatives of the main research institutions and universities in Italy. Engaged in research, monitoring and study of the marine environment, ISPRA will participate at the two days in the inaugural session and the round tables. For the occasion, the rooms of the Farnesina host the exhibition "Deep colors of the Mediterranean".

"I'M THE SEA" Day study dedicated to the Calabrian sea

Jun 24, 2019 from 12:00 AM to 12:00 AM Catanzaro,
On Monday 24 June 2019, will be held the day study "I'M THE SEA"  dedicated to the Calabrian sea  and  part of the national awareness program promoted by the Ministry of the Environment, Land and Sea. The national campaign, in fact, began with a national opening conference, on 11 April in the occasion of the "Day of the sea and marine culture" will end next 2 December  with the opening, in Naples, of the 21st Conference of the Parties of the Barcelona Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment and the Coastal Region of the Mediterranean.