Island of Sustainability
Rome, 4-7 december 2019
Island of Sustainability is a national project carried oout by the Associazione of Social Promotion in which institutions, research institutes and companies will meet to educate and inform new generations on sustainable development issues. The activities are adressed tostudents of all levels, families and sector technicians. The Rome event is open and free, all registration is recommended, although not mandatory.
- Island of Sustainability
- 2019-12-04T00:00:00+00:00
- 2019-12-07T00:00:00+00:00
- Rome, 4-7 december 2019 Island of Sustainability is a national project carried oout by the Associazione of Social Promotion in which institutions, research institutes and companies will meet to educate and inform new generations on sustainable development issues. The activities are adressed tostudents of all levels, families and sector technicians. The Rome event is open and free, all registration is recommended, although not mandatory.
- When Dec 04, 2019 12:00 AM to Dec 07, 2019 12:00 AM (GMT+0 / UTC0)
- Where Rome
Add event to calendar
Web site Island Sustainability
Initiatives organized by Ispra
Wednesday 4 December
- Talk divulgativo "Ambasciatori Junior dell’ambiente in città”
- Talk divulgativo "Alla scoperta delle praterie di Posidonia Oceanica"
- Laboratorio "Un mare da amare...di più"
- Laboratorio Plastica(mente)
- Laboratorio "Allarme Alieni!"
Thursday 5 December
- Talk divulgativo "Citizen Science per la qualità dell’aria"
- Talk divulgativo "Evoluzione dell’Area Romana"
- Talk divulgativo "Alla scoperta delle praterie di Posidonia Oceanica"
- Talk divulgativo "La Posidonia spiaggiata da rifiuto a risorsa" e presentazione del Fumetto Banquette alla riscossa
- Talk divulgativo "Un mal di pancia che viene da lontano"
- Laboratorio "Proteggiamo l’ecosistema spiaggia dal “mare di plastica"
- Laboratorio "Allarme Alieni!"
Friday 6 December
- Laboratorio Plastica(mente)
- Laboratorio "Evoluzione dell’Area Romana: il Vulcanismo Laziale"
- Laboratorio "Noi ci adattiamo ai cambiamenti climatici, e tu?"
- Laboratorio "Allarme Alieni!"
Saturday 7 December
Web site Isola della sostenibilità