Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


After lockdown water more clear

First results of the special campaign at sea conducted by Snpa and harbor authorities - Coast Guard. The Italian Minister of the Environment, Sergio Costa has declared: "Our seas are clearer, we are commitment to keep them that in this way". Clear waters and an overall stable situation for substances related to production activities: this is the first general frame that emerges from the extraordinary monitoring carried out by the National Environmental Protection System (SNPA) and the General Command of the Port Authority Corps. Starting from April, at the request of the Ministry of the Environment, an analysis campaign was launched at sea - beyond the ordinary ones - to understand the effects and impacts of the lockdown on Italian waters. The monitoring was carried out in 457 sampling stations along the entire national coastal arc, chosen from those that presented historical data comparable with those of 2020.

"The purpose of this extraordinary survey was exactly to know the state of health of our seas after the lockdown in order to have scientific evidence of what our eyes could already verify, namely clearer seas and a cleaner environment. Today these data have confirmed this perceptio. Our commitment now is to ensure that these quality standards are maintained in the construction of a new green normality" finally explained the Minister Costa.

Press release (ita)

Report on the marine monitoring results

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