Ecomondo 2020
Ecomondo is one of the most leading event in Europe for the new models of circular economy. An international exhibition with an innovative format that brings together all sectors of the circular economy in a single platform: from material and energy recovery to sustainable development. Due to the health emergency, Ecomondo will be held on the digital platform, extending the appointment to two weeks: the double digital green week.
To facilitate the meeting between supply and demand, the platform will be active until November 15: two weeks of B2B meetings, networking and seminars, where the green economy community will be able to create global relationships within a virtual app.
From Tuesday 3 November it is possible to participate in all the events of the schedule until 11.59 pm on November 15.
- Ecomondo 2020
- 2020-11-03T00:00:00+00:00
- 2020-11-06T23:59:59+00:00
- Ecomondo is one of the most leading event in Europe for the new models of circular economy. An international exhibition with an innovative format that brings together all sectors of the circular economy in a single platform: from material and energy recovery to sustainable development. Due to the health emergency, Ecomondo will be held on the digital platform, extending the appointment to two weeks: the double digital green week. To facilitate the meeting between supply and demand, the platform will be active until November 15: two weeks of B2B meetings, networking and seminars, where the green economy community will be able to create global relationships within a virtual app. From Tuesday 3 November it is possible to participate in all the events of the schedule until 11.59 pm on November 15.
- When Nov 03, 2020 to Nov 06, 2020 (GMT+0 / UTC0)
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Ecomondo will be held from 3 to 6 November in Quartiere Fieristico of Rimini, with a new protocol for the safety, to start again to develop business.
Ispra is participating at the following workshops:
3 November
- Emissioni odorigene: dalle tecnologie di abbattimento alle nuove strategie di controllo
- Gestione e riuso dei sedimenti in ambito costiero da fonti litoranee, strutture portuali, bacini artificiali e corsi d’acqua, per una crescita blu sostenibile
- Le materie prime in italia e per l’italia: quali trend?
4 November
- Attività di controllo sui rifiuti
- La filiera della plastica nella gestione dei rifiuti urbani: confronto tra best practices a livello internazionale
- La gestione dei fanghi di depurazione
5 November
- La classificazione dei rifiuti
- La gestione dei rifiuti alla luce del recepimento delle direttive europee
- Green deal, economia circolare e sostenibilità nella bonifica e riqualificazione dei siti contaminati ai tempi della pandemia
6 November