Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



Started the new activities Ispra to survery ecobales in the Follonica Gulf

Last 19 September it has started the campaign mapping of the ecoobales in the Gulf of Follonica, in order to verify possible presence of additional bales of secondary solid fuel (CSS), in addition to those identified and recovered in August. The Steering Committee, convened a few days ago by the Head of the Civil Protection Department, Angelo Borrelli, coordinator of the recovery interventions of the ecobales lost by the Ivy motorship, approved the operational plan developed by Ispra technicians of the seabed of the Gulf of Follonica, with the aim of verifying the possible presence of additional bales of secondary solid fuel (CSS), in addition to those identified and recovered in August. 

ISPRA launches the Network for the study of Mycological Diversity

The Department for the monitoring and protection of the environment and for the conservation of biodiversity of ISPRA has launched the Network for the study of Mycological Diversity with the aim of increasing knowledge on mycological biodiversity and using fungi as biological indicators of the state of terrestrial ecosystems.

The best practice green. Second edition

Sep 19, 2020 from 10:00 AM to 05:00 PM Solarolo Rainerio (CR),
In Solarolo Rainerio (CR), in the most important nursery district for the Italian production of deciduous trees, the second edition of "The Best Practice Green" will be held tomorrow 19 September 2020, organized by the National Association of Defense and Environmental Protection Companies and sponsored, among others, from ISPRA. In the presence of Minister Bellanova and other institutional and business guests, will take place. the international conference on the analysis of the post-Covid economy of the European landscape sector.  

First scientific conference Life Perdix

Sep 26, 2020 from 10:00 AM to 01:00 PM Comacchio (FE),
The first scientific conference of the LIFE Perdix project will be held on Saturday 26 September in Comacchio. The main topic is the recovery and conservation of the Italian Gray Partridge (Perdix perdix italica), declared extinct in the wild. The main actions of the project are: genetic analysis, breeding in captivity and the reintroduction of viable populations in the frame of the Natura 2000 site of Valli del Mezzano, Special Protection Area (SPA IT4060008) in the Po Delta.

Soil consumption and flood risk - scarcity and quality of water resources: the new challenges for the Po River hydrographic district

Sep 28, 2020 from 09:30 AM to 01:30 PM Webinar,
Land consumption, flood risks, scarcity and quality of the water resource are phenomena that very often cause serious impacts on the balance of the areas considered and the knowledge of statistical data and technical-scientific-legislative information are essential to identify possible solutions in advance able to stem the criticalities

Green New Deal. What kind of sustainable transition to restart the country

Sep 25, 2020 to Sep 26, 2020 Trevi (PG),
On 25 and 26 September in Trevi (Perugia) first appointment with the 2020 edition of the Executive Course Luiss school of government "Energy Days", promoted by WEC Italia and Globe Italia in cooperation  with AICP (Italian Association of Parliamentary Collaborators) and Askanews. Together with representatives of AICP, institutions, companies and academics, parliamentary journalists, the fundamental role of the energy sector and the circular economy will be explored with a view to a concrete sustainable relaunch of the country. Also this year the Trevi Days of Energy and Circular Economy will participate at the events over the national territory of the Sustainable Development Festival.

Third seminar FLAG Lake of Bolsena

Sep 26, 2020 from 05:00 PM to 06:00 PM Bolsena,
Focus on pesticides and fishing The seminar is organized by the FLAG (Fisheries Local Action Group) Lake of Bolsena, an association recognized by the Lazio Region that aims to contribute to sustainable development in order to improve the quality of life in the fishing areas of inland waters of Viterbo. FLAGs are recognized by the European Commission, and they are involved in planning and dissemination action for environmental sustainability. In particular the of Lake of Bolsena is the only freshwater FLAG in Italy.

Pollution reduction and circular economy in the GRRinPORT project

Sep 24, 2020 from 04:30 PM to 06:30 PM Webinar,
The webinar, entitled "Pollution reduction and circular economy in the GRRinPORT Project: innovations for the treatment of port sediments in the Port of Livorno and study of individual choices for sorting waste on ferries" will focus on the activities carried out by the DESTEC partners of the University of Pisa and ISPRA - for the assessment of ecological risk in coastal marine areas of Livorno

Copernicus CAMS User Workshop Italy

Oct 06, 2020 10:00 AM to Oct 07, 2020 01:00 PM
The Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS), in collaboration with the Copernicus National User Forum, the Istituto Superiore per la Protezione a la Ricerca Ambientale and the Regione Emilia-Romagna is planning a two-day online user workshop for existing and potential users of CAMS on the mornings of the 6 and 7 October 2020. The CAMS user workshops are an opportunity to learn from the experience of existing CAMS users and hear how they apply the data to their work, meet members of the CAMS team, learn about CAMS-related activities in your country, and interact directly with advanced and new users of CAMS products.  To participate please send an email to the following email:

LIFE MASTER ADAPT project concluded

Climate change impacts on cities and territories LIFE Master ADAPT (Main Streaming Experiences at Regional and local level for Adaptation to climate change), a European project launched almost four years to support Regions, metropolitan areas and local authorities with the target of leading the pilot areas involved to develop a global improvement of the their governance system and the integration of adaptation to climate change into existing “ordinary” planning and programming tools.

For a waste national strategy - Time to act

Sep 25, 2020 from 02:30 PM to 06:30 PM Milan - streaming live,
FISE - Assoambiente will organize tomorrow the conference "For a national waste strategy" on 25 September, the first part from 14.30 to 16.30 will be held in presence in Milano, the second part, dedicated to the "Waste national strategy", will be in streaming live on channel starting at 5.30pm. The DG of ISPRA, Alessandro Bratti, is participating in video conference.

The Institute activities in the first sustainability report ISPRA 2020

The Sustainability Report of ISPRA, the first produced by a research institution in Italy, aims to describe what are the direct impacts that the Institute produces in environmental, economic and social terms but above all to highlight the so-called indirect impacts that affect the activities of companies and the quality of life of citizens.

Beach cleant? Only if contains less than 20 marine wastes every 100 metres

Less than 20 marine litter per 100 linear meters of coastline is the value to be considered a beach in good environmental condition. It is the threshold value or the reference target fixed at European level, and recently published by the EU Commission, to define a clean beach.  An ambitious target in particular for Euro-Mediterranean countries where the concentrations of beached litter are markedly higher than those of other European seas (Mediterranean: 274 objects / 100 m; Baltic Sea: 40 objects / 100 m; Black Sea: 104 objects / 100 m). In Italy, the median values ​​in the three sub-regions are 559 objects / 100m in the Adriatic Sea, 421 objects / 100m in the western Mediterranean and 271 objects / 100m in the Ionian and central Mediterranean.

Mediterranean Coast Day

The Mediterranean Coast Day, established by the UNEP / Mediterranean Action Plan since 2007, is organized every year by PAP / RAC, Center for Integrated Coastal Management, in a different place of the Mediterranean. ISPRA, as a Regional Center of Activities for Information and Communication (INFO / RAC) operating in support of the Barcelona Convention, in cooperation with PAP / RAC and the Coordination Unit of the MAP has devised a digital campaign full of initiatives aimed at a wide range of targets. Ambassador of the Costa 2020 is mr. Oliviero Montanaro, Director General  of the Italian Minister of Environment for more than twenty years, actively engaged in the protection of the Mediterranean marine environment and the coastal region through the implementation of the Barcelona Convention.

Presentation of the guidelines "Safe for real"

Sep 30, 2020 from 10:00 AM to 01:00 PM
Today in Palazzo Chigi Action Aid is presenting the guidelines "Safe for real", a series of recommendation concerning different topics on natural calamity.  The recommendations that will be told during the day concern all those post-event activities, from emergency management, to reconstruction and prevention of further disasters and risk management.