Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



Climate and energy in the Green Deal to rebuild Italy

Oct 07, 2020 from 03:00 PM to 05:00 PM Streaming online,
The Green Deal must be the main pillar of the Next Generation Eu for Italy. It can give great impetus to employment, with attention to industrial conversion processes and workers and young people training.  The recovery and resilience plan must constitute the conditioning and guiding element of the recovery and rebuild Italy, stimulating the abandonment of the business as usual model, which has aggravated inequalities worldwide. The ASviS Working Group on Goals 7-13 has chosen to identify possible ways to implement the Green Deal, both at national and European level, promoting the energy transition and combat against climate change. The event is organized in the whole of the Sustainable Development Festival An Ispra expert is participating at the event. Programme      

Ispra and land consumption, an online "Science Pill" at the National Geographic Festival of Sciences

Oct 05, 2020 from 06:00 PM to 07:00 PM Streaming online,
What is land consumption and why it is urgent to combat to a phenomenon that, in the last year alone, has erased almost 60 km of natural and agricultural green areas inside and outside cities in Italy. An Ispra expert will explain this in a video produced for the “Science Pills” column of the National Geographic Festival of Sciences. In anticipation of the great event that will take place in Rome at the Auditorium Parco della Musica from 23 to 29 November, the Festival offers a series of web initiatives promoted by the main Italian research institutions. Ispra is a partner of the scientific network that collaborates in the organization of the Festival.

Bad weather in Northern Italy: Ispra data on hydrogeological instability

ISPRA certifies that over seven million Italians live in areas at risk of landslides and floods and almost 90% of the municipalities are involved. Even seven Italian regions have 100% of the municipal areas at risk of hydrogeological instability (Valle d'Aosta, Liguria, Emilia Romagna, Tuscany, Marche, Molise and Lucania), while the others reach the value 90%.


Oct 08, 2020 to Oct 09, 2020 Streaming online,
The Buygreen Forum  is an event dedicated to public and private good services of Green Procurement.  Two days  to discuss the legislative innovations, national and international best practices, opportunities in the field of buygreen with conferences, workshops, training sessions, one to one exchanges and other participatory initiatives.

Green Book 2020: data on the urban waste management in Italia and the new aspects introduces by the normative

Oct 13, 2020 from 11:00 AM to 01:00 PM online event,
Now in its eighth edition, the Green Book 2020, published by the Utilitatis Foundation, represents an important monograph on the municipal waste sector in Italy. The publication offers an overview of the regulatory, organizational and economic aspects of the management of the urban waste cycle in Italy, taking into account also  the international context.

National conference on climate 2000: a roadmap for Italy

Oct 13, 2020 from 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM online event,
The National Climate Conference, to be held from 13 to 16 October, is the most important event of the year of Italy for climate , an initiative promoted by   Sustainable Development Foundation and by a group of companies in preparation of COP26, with the patronage of the Ministry of the Environment, ENEA and ISPRA, in collaboration with Regeneration 20 | 30, with the partnership of ANSA and with the support of SapereAmbiente, aims to become a reference event on the performance of Italy related to climate objectives.

Plastic and the Mediterranean sea

Oct 21, 2020 from 05:00 PM to 06:00 PM online event,
In the frame of a series of meetings entitled " Face to face with plastic ", organized by the Natural History Museum of Calci (PI) on the occasion of the exhibition " Plastic and us ", dedicated to the topic ff plastic pollution in the sea, the online event "Plastics and the Mediterranean Sea" will be held on 21 October, with Ispra experts taking part

Guidelines for the national monitoring of the wolf

In these days we are starting the first synchronic data collection ever carried out to estimate the distribution and population size of the wolf in Italy, which will end in March 2021. The monitoring, coordinated by ISPRA on a mandate from the Ministry of the Environment, will apply for the first time a coordinated program based on standardized sampling designs, developed by ISPRA.

World migratory day

Oct 10, 2020
Next 10 October will be celebrated the  World migratory day  organized by the Bonn Convention on the migratory species. The topic of this year is the connectivity. 

Research and Innovation ICT in Italy

Oct 14, 2020 from 09:30 AM to 12:30 PM Rome,
On the occasion of the II day of ICT Research, the first Anitec-Assinform report on "ICT Research and Innovation in Italy" will be presented to offer an overview of research and innovation in the ICT sector carried out by companies, of the public tools made available to companies, both national and European, as well as an analysis of the main sectors where to intervene to support the competitiveness of companies.

Presentation of the Environmental Data Yearbook Toscana 2020

Oct 30, 2020 from 09:30 AM to 12:30 PM online event,
On 30 October, in streaming, ARPA Toscana will present the environmental data yearbook, now in its ninth edition, a publication  that represents a synthetic account of the context in which the Agency operates, through the monitoring of the various matrices and the control sources of pressure.

Online One Planet School

The WWW Italy has planned and carried out the  One Planet School,  a platform to learn, free and addressed to students, teachers and everyone aim to better understand the mechanism that rules the Planet.

Towards zero pollution in Europe

What is pollution? How does pollution affect the environment and how does it affect people’s health? European Union is aimed to reduce pollution and in the whole of the European Green Deal has launched the challenge "zero pollution". A new report of the EEA, released today, examines this challenge from different angles, as well as the possibilities of eliminating and preventing pollution.

Urgent need to improve adaptation to climate change in European cities

Despite the increasing awareness of climate change impacts and the need to adapt, many of Europe’s cities and towns are struggling to handle the impacts of heatwaves, severe droughts and destructive floods. Two European Environment Agency (EEA) reports published today stress the urgent need for action to improve adaptation and resilience at local and national government levels. ISPRA has been involved for years on the theme of adaptation with the aim of strengthening and improving knowledge on the impacts of climate change and to develop tools, methodological approaches, guidelines to support a more adequate implementation of adaptation to various levels of governance.

The landscape as a driving force for the development of a different society twenty years after the European Landscape Convention

Oct 20, 2020 from 09:30 AM to 06:30 PM Streaming online,
The event , after20 years after the European Landscape Convention, aims to analyze the reflections of sector experts. The European Landscape Convention was adopted by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg in July 2000 and was opened for signature by the member states in Florence on 20 October 2000. The Convention aims to promote the  protection, management and planning of landscapes and strengthen European cooperation

The Waste factor(y)

Oct 15, 2020 from 06:30 PM to 07:30 PM Online event,
As part of the Sustainable Architecture Festival "Change", financed by Mibact and promoted also by Open House, MAXXI, Order of Architects of Rome, the online event The Waste factor (y) will faced the municipal waste topic. An ISPRA expert from the National Waste and Circular Economy Center will participate in the brainstorming.

Waste management in the context of the Covid-19 emergency - ISPRA guidelines for the correct management and disposal of DPI waste utilized

Oct 28, 2020 from 09:30 PM to 10:30 PM
Next 28 October, in the second episode of "Let's give voice to the environment", an information and environmental format, the issue of waste management will be addressed in the context of the Covid-19 emergency, an Ispra expert will participate to illustrate Ispra's instructions for the correct management and disposal of utilized waste DPI.

PINE AID. Looking into the future of the Planet

Oct 23, 2020 from 06:00 PM to 08:30 PM Streaming live,
The Monumental Pinewood of Fregene is a place of history and nature and its conservation and maintenance is therefore a task of competent specialists. For this reason, the Pro Loco of Fregene and Maccarese will organize a scientific conference involving leading experts in botany, natural and forestry sciences, conservation of naturalistic heritage, in order to prepare a document to update the guidelines aimed at maintenance and conservation of the Monumental Pinewood of Fregene.