World Soil Day 2020, a Green Deal for the European soil
On the occasion of World Soil Day 2020 the partners of the European project Soil4life, co-financed by EU through the Life program, will organize an online webinar to debate on the soil consumption and conservation, considered one of the fundamental assets to contrast climate change.
- World Soil Day 2020, a Green Deal for the European soil
- 2020-12-04T11:00:00+00:00
- 2020-12-04T13:00:00+00:00
- On the occasion of World Soil Day 2020 the partners of the European project Soil4life, co-financed by EU through the Life program, will organize an online webinar to debate on the soil consumption and conservation, considered one of the fundamental assets to contrast climate change.
- When Dec 04, 2020 from 11:00 AM to 01:00 PM (GMT+0 / UTC0)
- Where Webinar
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The meeting will be introduced by the scientific responsible fo the Soil4life Damiano Di Simine and broadcasted by the account Facebook @LegambienteLab e @LaNuovaEcologia and the YouTube channel La Nuova Ecologia.
ISPRA is partner of the project