Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


20 May World Bee Day: live streaming inside a beehive

An ISPRA and AAIS project for the bees protection and their ecosystem.
ISPRA with the Social Integration Assistance Association (AAIS) has carried out an experimental and educational apiary within the program "APIABILI SAVE THE PLANET YOUR FUTURE IN OUR WINGS" (Project funded by the Department of Social Policies, Welfare and Local Authorities of the Lazio region).
The first meeting is held today on the occasion of World Bee Day. Established in 2017 with a resolution of the United Nations General Assembly, the day aims to bring to the attention of citizens, the media and political decision-makers the importance of bees and in general of all pollinators: bees, wasps, butterflies , ladybugs, spiders, reptiles, birds, even mammals. Bees and pollinators are essential for food security, the livelihoods of hundreds of millions of people, and for the functioning of ecosystems and habitat conservation.

The project aims to monitor and identify bees through the use of suitable sensors in order to predict the behavior of bees in the hive by identifying possible problems that can negatively affect the life of the hive, so as to intervene and safeguard the life of the 'hive.

The study of the behavior of the individual colonies, for the purpose of environmental and health research, will be realized mainly at a distance through: cameras, microphones and other probes for monitoring the most important chemical-physical and biological parameters of the colonies.

The "technological" hive will measure: temperature, humidity, brightness and carbon dioxide, weight and sounds inside the hive.

All this information will be stored in electronic format in order to provide statistical parameters that will populate a historical series from which to obtain information on possible statistical correlations between variables.

This amount of data will allow to identify the best sustainable beekeeping / agricultural practices related to bee breeding and contain the possible damage deriving from internal and external adversities to the hive.

The  streaming video inside the hive.

To know more about the pollitanors world you can read the ISPRA publication: The decline of bees and pollinators. The answers to the most frequently asked questions