Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Publication RETICULA n. 26/2021

It is available online the number 26 of the technical-scientific magazine RETICULA

The number 26 of RETICULA technical journal is available online.

This issue presents the activities of ARTACLIM project to promote the introduction of climate change adaptation measures in the programming and spatial planning of cross-border public administrations, and of LIFE CLIVUT project aimed at developing and implementing a Green Asset Strategy for the management of urban forests, optimizing their ecosystem services.  The issue presents the results of the first two years of activity of the Alpine Biodiversity Board, as well as proposing an interesting research on role of vegetable garden and non-professional agriculture in local food systems developed in Friuli Venezia Giulia Region.  The editorial by Susanna D'Antoni presents the new European indications on sustainable use of phytosanitary products.

The News section contains many useful information reported by users of the journal and by the Editorial Staff.


RETICULA nr.26/2021