Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



Greencity in Palermo

Jun 25, 2021 from 02:30 PM to 05:00 PM Online event,
In Palermo, the second stage of Verdecittà's "journey" through Italy, the innovative project that promotes urban greenery to improve the quality of life and the excellence of Made in Italy horticulture: the initiative is funded by the Ministry for Policies food and forestry (MiPAAF), coordinated by CREA and organized by Padova Hall, with the technical-scientific support of CONAF. In the Sicilian capital, from 25 to 27 June, an impressive installation curated by CONAF's expert technicians in Piazza Castelnuovo will show how urban greenery can lend itself to multiple solutions, keeping together the quality and beauty of spaces, agriculture, aromatic plants.

Study day of integral ecology

Jun 30, 2021 from 09:30 AM to 12:00 PM Online event,
Starting from the 2021-2022 academic year, the Faculty of Philosophy of the Pontifical Antonianum University will promote the philosophy course with a specialization in integral ecology.

Voluntary tools for sustainability: EMAS, EU Ecolabel and sustainable events

Jun 26, 2021 from 03:00 PM to 04:30 PM Online event,
The conference, organized by the Festival dei Due Mondi of Spoleto in collaboration with ISPRA, aim to promote the comparison between Umbrian institutions and companies engaged in environmental and social issues regarding voluntary instruments (EMAS, Ecolabel , certification of sustainable events) to promote sustainability in the production, tourism and recreational sectors.

30 by 30 to regenerate the Mediterranean

Jul 02, 2021 from 03:30 PM to 05:00 PM Online event,
After a year off due to the pandemic, the Blue Panda, a WWF sailboat, is ready for a 5-month journey that will take her to cross 6 of the most important Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) of the Mediterranean: from June to November the mission is to promote their treasures and free them from the tools deposited on the seabed, a danger to marine biodiversity, thanks to the joint work with fishermen, divers and MPA managers.

Floating macrolitter leaked from Europe into the ocean

New study published, with ISPRA cooperation, in Nature Sustainability reveals that Rivers are the main conduits for human litter transferred from land to the ocean. A new study shows that European countries release more than 600 million floating macrolitter items (> 2.5 cm) to the ocean in a single year. Plastic is the principal litter material observed in rivers across Europe. Eight out of 10 litter items are made of plastic, including single-use plastics such as bottles, packaging (like food wrappers), and bags. Almost 40% of the floating litter are pieces of plastic (fragments of larger items), meaning many plastic items begin to fragment in the river basins before reaching the ocean.

Coasts in movement

Jul 15, 2021 to Jul 16, 2021 Online event,
1st National Conference of Coastal Landscapes At what stage are the transformation processes of coastal areas? And how are climate change and coastal erosion, tourist use affecting one of the most precious ecosystems in Italy? To discuss these issues, Legambiente and the Observatory of Italian Coastal Landscapes are organizing the conference "Coasts in movement".

Risvegli festival 2021

Aug 04, 2021 from 07:00 PM to 08:00 PM Padova, Orto Botanico,
From Tuesday 22 June the appointment with Risvegli returns, the festival that the University of Padua dedicates to science and which in recent years has seen the presence of tens of thousands of people and many guests, including national and international artists and scientists

The natural monument La Frasca: the evolution of the environment from the Pleistocene to today

Oct 09, 2021 from 10:00 AM to 05:00 PM Monumento Naturale La Frasca, Via Sparterro Melchiorri – Strada della Torre Valdaliga, Civitavecchia e Tarquinia (RM),
As part of the ninth edition of the Week of Planet Earth (3-10 October 2021) ISPRA will organize, on Saturday 9 October, the excursion "The natural monument La Frasca: the evolution of the environment from the Pleistocene to today". In the stretch of coast between Torvaldaliga and Sant'Agostino, in the municipalities of Civitavecchia and Tarquinia, it is possible to observe one of the most interesting examples of marine environment whose paleogeographic and paleoclimatic characteristics of the upper Pleistocene are among the best preserved in the entire Mediterranean area.