Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Publication RETICULA n. 27/2021

The number 26 of RETICULA technical journal is available online.
This issue presents the new Strategic Plan for Green Infrastructure in Turin and two experiences in the peri-urban area of La Spezia, where rural areas on the edge of the urban area play a strategic role in communication between city and countryside.

The issue also proposes some of the results of the LIFE Sic2Sic project regarding information and rules for cycling in National Parks and the economic effects of the policy of encouraging the reception of cyclists. The issue shows the preliminary results of a survey, conducted in the pilot regions of the European Alpine Space project LUIGI, to analyse the regional economy, governance and green infrastructure and ecosystem services.

The editorial by Laura Pettiti presents represents the path of the New National Biodiversity Strategy. The News section contains many useful information reported by users of the journal and by the Editorial Staff.


Publication RETICULA n. 27/2021