Reticula n. 27/2021
The Editorial
La sfida della nuova Strategia Nazionale per la Biodiversità: obiettivi al 2030 con lo sguardo al 2050.
by Laura Pettiti
1.The strategic plan of the green infrastructure of Turin for a sustainable and resilient city.
Anna Chiesura , Simone Mangili
2. Abandoned land recovery at the town borders of the town. Reterritorialization, ecological reconnection, public space use and environmental services improvement. Daniele Virgilio
3. Cycling in Protected Areas: criticalities and perspectives identified by the Life Project SIC2SIC.
Maria Cecilia Natalia, Matteo Lener, Paola Vinesi
4. Connecting ecosystem services, benefits and market in the Alpine Space.
Luca Cetara, Oscar Azzimonti, Mita Lapi
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