Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



"The sea you don't expect", "What happens over there?"

Last 19 July started the  ISPRA's dissemination campaign  to tell about the specific activities developed by its researchers, in compliance with the shared programs in Europe, both through observation and monitoring of marine environments, and in the field of laboratory research. The second initiative is dedicated to the  seabed restoration. Costa Concordia was the largest ship that has ever been attempted and carried out to recover. July 23, 2021, marks the seventh anniversary of the removal of the great wreck which, towed by two oceanic tugs, left the island of Giglio for good, headed for the port of Genoa, where the ship was dismantled and scrapped. 80% of its 50,000 tons was recycled. The seabed cleaning operations on the Island of Giglio officially ended in May 2018, but the story for the seabed does not end there ...

Bathing 2021 in Italy

From April to September, the 8,300 km of Italian coasts are sampled over 32,000 times. And in most cases these are operators of the regional environmental protection agencies, the public bodies which, together with ISPRA, composed the National environmental protection System.

"The sea you don't expect", "What happens over there?"

Last 19 July started the   ISPRA's dissemination campaign  to tell about the specific activities developed by its researchers, in compliance with the shared programs in Europe, both through observation and monitoring of marine environments, and in the field of laboratory research. The third iniative is dedicated to   Ecological beach and Citizen Science . The ECOLOGICAL BEACH model has been developed to improve the perception of citizens and favor a more sustainable management of banquettes and posidonia deposits. It is a model that includes the implementation of the regulatory framework, the monitoring of stranding, also through the active participation of citizens and proposals for alternative management of accumulations where there is an objective incompatibility with bathing use. The most important and delicate aspect of this model consists of training and dissemination activities.

"The sea you don't expect", "What happens over there?"

Sea Forest, a project to contrast the degradation of the Posidonia meadows. Last 19 July started the   ISPRA's dissemination campaign  to tell about the specific activities developed by its researchers, in compliance with the shared programs in Europe, both through observation and monitoring of marine environments, and in the field of laboratory research. The fourth iniative is dedicated to  Sea Forest Life, a project to contrast the degradation of the Posidonia meadows. The project Sea Forest  is involving wo Italian regions, and will involve three National Parks and the respective Marine Protected Areas: the National Park of Cilento and Vallo di Diano in Campania, the National Park of Asinara and the National Park of the La Maddalena Archipelago in Sardinia. The purpose of the project is to carry out concrete actions for the conservation of the Podisonieti, aiming at the reduction of their degradation.

ISPRA for health

ISPRA published this book to survey the Institute's past and current activities related to the Environment and Health (E&H) report. The document briefly describes the main environmental health determinants and their possible impacts on the wellbeing and health of the population, with the dual aim of conveying the Institute's commitment to these aspects, and creating a network of experts active on the E&H theme, thus encouraging the creation of new research and activity ideas.

Prefect Stefano Laporta confirmed as the Presidency of ISPRA

The Environment Committees of the Chamber and the Senate have today expressed a favorable opinion on the nomination proposal no. 97 of the Prefect Stefano Laporta as president of the Higher Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA). Stefano Laporta, born in Lecce, lawyer and Prefect, president of ISPRA and SNPA since 2017, has been first sub-commissioner since 2008, then general manager of ISPRA. In 2016 he was appointed coordinator of the Advisory Committee of the National Inspectorate for Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection (ISIN).

Publication RETICULA n. 27/2021

The number 26 of RETICULA technical journal is available online. This issue presents the new Strategic Plan for Green Infrastructure in Turin and two experiences in the peri-urban area of La Spezia, where rural areas on the edge of the urban area play a strategic role in communication between city and countryside.