Birdwatching days in the Delta del Po
Projects and actions for the conservation, relaunch and promotion of the Delta Po nature
A programmatic discussion on the Emilia-Romagna Po Delta area and its extraordinary ornithological, naturalistic and fruition values, with the newly updated version of the dossier The occasion of the Delta produced by Lipu, with ideas, issues and possible projects. Objective: to start the work for an operational program of the Delta of Po nature, also in light of the historical moment which is in many ways particularly propitious, in order to give this extraordinary place the future it deserves.
- Birdwatching days in the Delta del Po
- 2021-10-02T09:30:00+00:00
- 2021-10-02T13:30:00+00:00
- Projects and actions for the conservation, relaunch and promotion of the Delta Po nature A programmatic discussion on the Emilia-Romagna Po Delta area and its extraordinary ornithological, naturalistic and fruition values, with the newly updated version of the dossier The occasion of the Delta produced by Lipu, with ideas, issues and possible projects. Objective: to start the work for an operational program of the Delta of Po nature, also in light of the historical moment which is in many ways particularly propitious, in order to give this extraordinary place the future it deserves.
- When Oct 02, 2021 from 09:30 AM to 01:30 PM (GMT+0 / UTC0)
- Where Comacchio (FE)
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At the meeting an ISPRA expert is participating