Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



Carbon neutrality and PNRR: what role for Italian agriculture

Sep 22, 2021 from 10:00 AM to 06:00 PM Rome,
On 22 and 23 September Biogas Italy 2021 is held in Rome entitled 'Green Possible. New energies for new markets'. The first day is dedicated to the role of Italian agriculture in safeguarding and managing the environment and biodiversity to achieve carbon neutrality objectives.

Insects and pollinators: 9% of bees and butterflies at risk of extinction

The economic value of animal pollination is around 153 billion euros a year worldwide About 9% of bee and butterfly species are at risk of extinction and with them also the contributions they make available to communities, including plant pollination. The pollination of flowering plants by animals represents an ecosystem service of great value for humanity, both from an economic point of view and for the benefit of spontaneous and cultivated plants. Over 75% of the main agricultural crops and about 90% of wild flowering plants need bees, wasps, butterflies, ladybugs, spiders, reptiles, birds, mammals and pollinators in general to transfer pollen from a flower to the other and reproduce

NET SCIENZAINSIEME - ISPRA at the European Researchers' Night in Bologna

Sep 24, 2021 Bologna,
Researchers from the ISPRA headquarters of Ozzano Emilia are participating in the European Researchers' Night in cooperation with the SOCIETY Rinascimento project. ISPRA's activities on Italian fauna and biodiversity will be told by researchers through dialogue with the public, audiovisual material, brochures and publications, tools.

Ecological transition. COP26 and G20 to relaunch the country together

Sep 24, 2021 to Sep 25, 2021 Trevi (PG),
Days of Energy and Circular Economy "in the Sustainable Development Festival 2021 The G20 Presidency of Italy and the Italian Co-Presidency of COP26 will present for the national political-economic community the extraordinary opportunitie to participate in the international dialogue on climate, energy and circular economy.

Common good soil: consumption dynamics for new containment policies

Sep 25, 2021 from 09:45 AM to 12:00 PM Orzinuovi,
The first appointment with “Incontri di Pianura” will take place on Saturday 25 September 2021 in Orzinuovi. On this occasion we will talk about "Soil as a common good": consumption dynamics for new containment policies ", with the return to the administrations adhering to the Sustainable Plain of the latest monitoring of land consumption in the reference territorial context, a valid reading tool not only environmental dynamics.

ISPRA at the Ocean Literacy Festival in the Mediterranean Sea

Sep 24, 2021 to Sep 25, 2021
Supported by the European Commission's Directorate General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, the EU4Ocean Coalition has organized the Ocean Literacy Festival in the Mediterranean Sea , which will showcase ocean literacy initiatives and activities from all Mediterranean countries. The Mediterranean Literacy Festival takes place on Med Coast Day, September 25, 2021, and is part of the larger EU4Ocean event in the Mediterranean Sea Basin (September 24-27), which aims to bring ocean literacy in the minds and actions of everyone in the Mediterranean Sea

ISPRA is launching the new comics of the INDICT project on the "Carrie" sea turtle at the European Researchers' Night

Sep 24, 2021 to Sep 25, 2021 Roma, Città dell'Altra Economia,
The protection of the marine environment and its biodiversity, the threats of pollution and waste at sea are the central theme of the new comic developed by ISPRA within the exhibition for the INDICIT project. The sea turtle Carrie is the protagonist of a new story, the adventure of a courageous creature and the dangers it encounters among abandoned plastic and microplastic nets. The comic will be exhibited for the first time at the European Researchers' Night on 24 and 25 September at the Città dell'Altra Economia in Rome as part of the NET ScienzaInsieme project.

Let's talk green: the future is in our hands - Festival of the environmental sustainability

Sep 27, 2021 from 09:00 AM to 01:00 PM Ferrara,
The last appointment of the Festival of environmental sustainability entitled "Let's talk green: the future is in our hands", aimed at all stakeholders in the territory of the province of Ferrara, aims to raise awareness of issues related to environmental sustainability, the economy circular and ecological transition: it will take place on 27 September at the Verdi Theater in Ferrara from 9.00 to 13.00.

The Sustainable Development Festival 2021

Sep 28, 2021 to Oct 14, 2021
Now in its fifth edition, the Sustainable Development Festival is the biggest Italian initiative to raise awareness and mobilize citizens, young generations, businesses, associations and institutions on the issues of economic, social and environmental sustainability, spread the culture of sustainability and make a change cultural and political that allows Italy to implement the United Nations 2030 Agenda and achieve the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

NET SCIENZAINSIEME brings you aboard the Astrea ship

Also this year NET Scienza Insieme virtually brings the public into their research facilities. After the Castel Romano Laboratories, board the Astrea, the research vessel of ISPRA. In this virtual visit  will be possible to learn about the main research activities of the Institute on the marine environment and its ecosystems, carried out during the campaigns at sea, thanks to professionalism and cutting-edge technological tools, described by short videos that will accompany the virtual visit. Welcome on board of the Astrea ship

The return of the wolf and the future of large predators in Europe

Sep 30, 2021 from 09:30 AM to 04:00 PM Fondazione Bioparco di Roma,
In recent years, numerous studies have analyzed the increase of the wolf population in the Italian peninsula and its return to the Alps. The Bioparco Foundation of Rome and the Embassy of Switzerland in Italy will organize a scientific conference with leading Swiss and Italian experts on the subject. The purpose of the conference will be to share the experiences and results of national and cross-border research on the wolf and its return.

Days of Hydrology 2021

Sep 30, 2021 to Oct 01, 2021 Naples,
The days will be dedicated to the study of hydrological phenomena in relation to the protection and safeguarding of the territory. ISPRA will be present with two oral contributions on the national hydrological balance and the availability of national water resources.

PNRR, Decarbonization and Industrial Reconversion

Oct 20, 2021 from 09:00 AM to 01:30 PM Brindisi,
The conference aims to confront technicians, managers and "decision makers" operating in the industrial and business world, on the issues of environmental sustainability and their development programs in the immediate future.

Birdwatching days in the Delta del Po

Oct 02, 2021 from 09:30 AM to 01:30 PM Comacchio (FE),
Projects and actions for the conservation, relaunch and promotion of the Delta Po nature A programmatic discussion on the Emilia-Romagna Po Delta area and its extraordinary ornithological, naturalistic and fruition values, with the newly updated version of the dossier The occasion of the Delta produced by Lipu, with ideas, issues and possible projects. Objective: to start the work for an operational program  of the Delta of Po nature, also in light of the historical moment which is in many ways particularly propitious, in order to give this extraordinary place the future it deserves.

Environment and health in areas with high environmental impact

Nov 10, 2021 to Nov 12, 2021 Rome,
The course aims to offer a large spectrum of scientific knowledge of environmental contamination management in areas characterized by significant anthropic impact. It is addressed to professionals, experts and operators in the "environment and health" field to facilitate interdisciplinary collaboration on land reclamation and prevention of damage to human health.


Sep 28, 2021 to Sep 30, 2021 Milano,
From September 28th to Thursday 30th, Youth4Climate, the youth conference on climate, is held in Milan: an event organized by the Italian government. The latter is organizing the UN's annual climate conference, COP26, together with Great Britain for 2021. At Youth4Climate, four hundred young people from all over the world, two per country, will discuss the climate crisis and how to deal with it.