Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Constitution of the Scientific Committees of the National Eionet Network

Eionet (European Environment Information and  Observation Network) is a network between the European Environmental Agency (EEA) and its 38 countries members, active since 1994. The network is based on a strong institutional cooperation, for sharing data, information, indicators, analysis, infrastructures and necessary tools. The final target is to provide to citizens and policy makers information on the environment and the impacts of environmental policies put on field.

For this reason, the EEA works closely with the National Focal Points (NFP), which are entrusted with the responsibility of coordinating the national reference networks in the field of environmental information.

Starting from 2020, the EEA has started a review and modernization process of the Eionet network, which mainly concerned the functions, structure and governance model of the (former) National Reference Centers.

Following this reorganization, the Eionet network is now made up of 13 groups, called "Eionet Groups" to which, in some cases, "Thematic Groups" are associated. More details on the new national Eionet network are reported on the  ISPRA website. There is also a dedicated  page  that traces the main stages of the modernization process of the aforementioned network and explains its current functioning.


ISPRA, and in particular the NFP team, invites experts from the world of universities and research to send their expressions of interest to join the scientific committees in support of the national Eionet network. Applications must be sent to the following email address: attaching a CV and a short motivation letter (max. 1 folder), by 14/10/2022.