ISPRA participation in RemTech 2022
RemTech Expo opened today in Ferrara, the only international and permanent Environmental Technology Hub, specializing in the themes of rehabilitation, regeneration and sustainable development of the territories.
The ISPRA president, Stefano Laporta, participated this morning in the conference "States General on the Management and Sustainable Development of Territories. From Rehabilitation to Regeneration. The future of Planet Earth in the ecological transition".
The ISPRA president declared that "The flood in the Marche region, but also the serious fires in summer and the long period of drought, must push us to consider a different balance with the natural environments. It is necessary to intervene to mitigate the hydraulic, geological and heat wave risk and for the prevention of fires and the restoration of degraded soils, together with the improvement of urban decor and sustainable mobility, and the energy and seismic improvement of buildings, as well as the contrast of depopulation and the loss of economic attractiveness. in a crucial position to urgently plan the actions necessary to adapt the territory to the impacts of climate change".
- ISPRA participation in RemTech 2022
- 2022-09-21T00:00:00+00:00
- 2022-09-23T23:59:59+00:00
- RemTech Expo opened today in Ferrara, the only international and permanent Environmental Technology Hub, specializing in the themes of rehabilitation, regeneration and sustainable development of the territories. The ISPRA president, Stefano Laporta, participated this morning in the conference "States General on the Management and Sustainable Development of Territories. From Rehabilitation to Regeneration. The future of Planet Earth in the ecological transition". The ISPRA president declared that "The flood in the Marche region, but also the serious fires in summer and the long period of drought, must push us to consider a different balance with the natural environments. It is necessary to intervene to mitigate the hydraulic, geological and heat wave risk and for the prevention of fires and the restoration of degraded soils, together with the improvement of urban decor and sustainable mobility, and the energy and seismic improvement of buildings, as well as the contrast of depopulation and the loss of economic attractiveness. in a crucial position to urgently plan the actions necessary to adapt the territory to the impacts of climate change".
- When Sep 21, 2022 to Sep 23, 2022 (GMT+0 / UTC0)
- Where Ferrara exhibition
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RemTech Expo consists of ten segments - REMTECH and REMTECH EUROPE reclamation of contaminated sites, COAST coastal protection, ports, sustainability, ESONDA hydrogeological instability, floods, landslides, CLIMETECH climate change, mitigation, adaptation, GEOSISMIC seismic risk, prevention, reconstruction, INERTIA works sustainable materials, circular economy, RIGENERACITY urban regeneration, CHEMTECH innovative and sustainable chemical industry and FIRE prevention-innovation-research, fire prevention and safety of the Italian Cultural Heritage - and a special HUTTE segment dedicated to sustainability and integral well-being.
ISPRA is participating at the following seminars:
19 September
- Molecular biological tools;
20 Septemeber
- Environmental, Social, and Governance Disclosure;
- Natural Source Zone Depletion;
- Mitigation of Wildfire Impact, Risk to Water Utilities;
- Toxicity Test with Freshwater Mussels;
- Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Process
21 September
- States General on the Management and Sustainable Development of the Territories. From Rehabilitation to Regeneration. The future of Planet Earth in the ecological transition;
- Circular Economy: opportunities for the recovery of the country;
- National Conference on Hydrogeological Disruption. Land Management and Sustainable Technologies. Discussion Table on the Guidelines for Natural Risk Mitigation Interventions, Good and Bad Practices, Territory Monitoring and Informed Coexistence with Natural Risks
22 September
- Industry & Environment Conference and Fuel Points of Sale;
- The National Recovery and Resilience Plan. Opportunities, Innovation, Territories, Skills, Public-Private Relations
23 September
- Excavated lands & rocks. Management and practical cases;
- Course on Environmental Communication, Environmental Data, Involvement of Territories and Communities in Choices in the Ecological Transition