International day for disaster risk reduction
The International day for natural disaster risk reduction will be celebrate the 13th October. The day was created for the will of the General Assembly of UN in 1989. The target of that day is to send a signal to the Governments of all the World, to the international organization and the global population, to make aware about the major frequency and consistency in which natural disasters happens.
ISPRA: "Italy is a country with hydrogeological risk, reducing it means acting on four fronts: knowledge, awareness, preparation, interventions".
Watch the video produced by ISPRA
- International day for disaster risk reduction
- 2022-10-13T00:00:00+00:00
- 2022-10-13T23:59:59+00:00
- The International day for natural disaster risk reduction will be celebrate the 13th October. The day was created for the will of the General Assembly of UN in 1989. The target of that day is to send a signal to the Governments of all the World, to the international organization and the global population, to make aware about the major frequency and consistency in which natural disasters happens. ISPRA: "Italy is a country with hydrogeological risk, reducing it means acting on four fronts: knowledge, awareness, preparation, interventions". Watch the video produced by ISPRA
- When Oct 13, 2022 (GMT+0 / UTC0)
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