Digital Humanities, cultural heritage and geohistorical applications
XIV Seminar of historical-cartographic studies from the map to the GIS
The seminar aims to present case studies and proposals to support epistemological and theoretical reflection on the use of geographic survey tools in the analysis of the relationship between man and his territory.
This edition will focus in particular on how digital tools and Digital Humanities studies can dialogue with geo-historical, historical-geographical and cartographic sources for the monitoring, planning, use, enhancement and protection of cultural heritage.
- Digital Humanities, cultural heritage and geohistorical applications
- 2022-12-05T00:00:00+00:00
- 2022-12-07T23:59:59+00:00
- XIV Seminar of historical-cartographic studies from the map to the GIS The seminar aims to present case studies and proposals to support epistemological and theoretical reflection on the use of geographic survey tools in the analysis of the relationship between man and his territory. This edition will focus in particular on how digital tools and Digital Humanities studies can dialogue with geo-historical, historical-geographical and cartographic sources for the monitoring, planning, use, enhancement and protection of cultural heritage.
- When Dec 05, 2022 to Dec 07, 2022 (GMT+0 / UTC0)
- Where Rome, University RomaTre
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On 6 December, in session VI, an ISPRA researcher will participate with a speech on "GIS, historical cartography and textual sources for the
study of landslide events. A case study on the Parma Apennines".