AQUAE! World Water Day 2023
The Conference, promoted by the University of Rome "Foro Italico" and by Siti, the Italian Society of Hygiene in partnership with ACEA, aims to explore the issues related to World Water Day and disseminate the UN Water Development Report 2023, this year entitled "Accelerating Partnership an Cooperation on Water".
The event is aimed not only at institutions and research bodies, but also at the general public and at Italian school children.
- AQUAE! World Water Day 2023
- 2023-03-22T09:15:00+01:00
- 2023-03-22T18:45:00+01:00
- The Conference, promoted by the University of Rome "Foro Italico" and by Siti, the Italian Society of Hygiene in partnership with ACEA, aims to explore the issues related to World Water Day and disseminate the UN Water Development Report 2023, this year entitled "Accelerating Partnership an Cooperation on Water". The event is aimed not only at institutions and research bodies, but also at the general public and at Italian school children.
- When Mar 22, 2023 from 09:15 AM to 06:45 PM (Europe/Berlin / UTC100)
- Where Rome - Auditorium della Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale
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At the meeting the ISPRA President Stefano Laporta is participating.