Annual conference of the Italian Cartography Association
The Conference is an opportunity to reflect on the nature and potential of cartography as a communication tool, and as a science oriented towards dialogue with institutions, administrations, private actors who are interested in spatial phenomena, such as Earth sciences, geography, archaeology, natural and forestry sciences, agronomy, urban planning, architecture, planning, economics, political sciences, environmental engineering, history etc.
- Annual conference of the Italian Cartography Association
- 2023-09-27T00:00:00+02:00
- 2023-09-29T23:59:59+02:00
- The Conference is an opportunity to reflect on the nature and potential of cartography as a communication tool, and as a science oriented towards dialogue with institutions, administrations, private actors who are interested in spatial phenomena, such as Earth sciences, geography, archaeology, natural and forestry sciences, agronomy, urban planning, architecture, planning, economics, political sciences, environmental engineering, history etc.
- When Sep 27, 2023 to Sep 29, 2023 (Europe/Berlin / UTC200)
- Where Rovereto
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On 28 September a Round Table was held with the national cartographic bodies: the Military Geographical Institute, the Hydrographic Institute of the Navy, the Aeronautical Geotopographical Information Centre, the Land Registry Services Center of the Revenue Agency, the Department for Geological of Italy - ISPRA, the coordinator of the "Cartography" Working Group at the Conference of Regions and Autonomous Provinces.
The director of the Department for the Geological Survey of Italy, ISPRA Marco Amanti spoke by presenting the state of the institute's geological and environmental cartographic activity and underlining the importance of initiatives aimed at collaboration with other bodies through technical-scientific activities of harmonization and sharing of cartographic data.