Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



Invasive alien species: new data from the IPBES report

Sep 04, 2023
The summary for policy makers of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), the highest scientific authority on nature and the tangible and intangible contributions that nature offers to people, was published today. The approval had taken place at the end of the 10th plenary session of the Ipbes by the 141 member countries, including Italy. The drafting of the report involved a hundred scientists from all over the world, required over four years of work and the consultation of over 12,000 bibliographic references

Festival Naturarte

Sep 09, 2023 to Sep 10, 2023 Trevignano Romano,
The Naturarte Festival will be held on 9 and 10 September in Trevignano Romano. The participation of ISPRA researchers is expected.

Cineclub Scienza: three films to debate the prospects of science for the future of the planet

Waiting for the European Researchers' Night, ISPRA, CNR, INAF and ENEA are organizing three evenings to discuss the prospects of science for the future of the planet. Cinema has always interpreted or tried to interpret crucial issues such of the society, such as as climate change, loss of biodiversity, pollution, waste management, energy production, the study of the infinitely small or the history of earth are some of the themes widely represented in film production in recent years.

Only one Earth

Sep 22, 2023 to Sep 24, 2023 Brescia,
The Festival aims to make aware people towards a real involvement for the biodiversity conversation and the environmental protection. For this reasons, there will be organized three days of conferences, workshops, educational laboratories, shows, exhibitions, readings, excursions and film screenings. In addition, 70 events with about 100 Italian and international guests with whom some of the most current issues will be addressed, to build a more sustainable future.

The biodiversity conservation in the National Park

Sep 14, 2023 from 09:30 AM to 04:00 PM Rome, Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale, Viale Castro Pretorio, 105,
The Directorate General for Nature and the Sea of ​​the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security and the Carabinieri Forestry, Environmental and Agroforestry Unit Command are organizing the conference "The biodiversity conservation in national parks" on 14 September in Rome. The meeting will be an opportunity to present the biodiversity conservation projects in the national parks and the surveillance actions in the parks. The round table "National Parks between conservation needs and opportunities for growth and promotion" is expected to be attended by the ISPRA President, Stefano Laporta.

Advanced Technologies for Landslide Identification and Monitoring

Sep 29, 2023 from 09:00 AM to 04:00 PM Monserrato (Cagliari),
The workshop is organized by the Department of Chemical and Geological Sciences (University of Cagliari) and the Order of Geologists of the Sardinia Region and will analyze the cutting-edge technologies used in research and industry to detect and monitor landslides.

5th International conference LIFE WOLFALPS EU

Sep 19, 2023 from 09:00 AM to 05:00 PM Online event,
“ Towards large-scale wolf population monitoring- Challenges and perspectives. The Conference aims to create an occasion of comparison on estimating the status of large-scale wolf populations, examining the pros and cons of current statistical data analysis and genetic techniques.

Restoration and protection of seabeds and marine habitats. Interview with ISPRA General Director, Maria Siclari

The ISPRA General Director, Maria Siclari, presented yesterday in Favignana the PNRR MER (Marine Ecosystem Restoration), as part of the first day of the Summer School of Geomorphology, Ecology and Biology in the marine and insular environment. The Project involves interventions for the restoration and protection of the seabed and marine habitats, the strengthening of the national observation system of marine and coastal ecosystems and the mapping of coastal and marine habitats of conservation interest in Italian waters.

Vajont, 60 years after the disaster

Sep 29, 2023 from 09:00 AM to 07:00 PM Longarone,
In the occasion of the 60° anniversary of the Vajont disaster, the National Council of Geologists, the Fondation Centro Study of CNG, the Regional Orders of Geologists of Veneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia, in collaboration with the Municipalities of Longarone, Erto and Casso and with the Vajont Foundation, are organizing a conference on 29 September 2023. The meeting will include topic concerning technical, environmental, economic and social sustainability of major works,

Monitoring and biodiversity in the city. Let's explore the Site of Community Interest "Villa Borghese" with Citizen science

Oct 21, 2023 from 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM Rome, Villa Borghese,
The  ISPRA National Biodversity ISPRA National Biodiversity Network is a partner of the 2023 Urban Nature edition, the initiative promoted by the WWF to spread the value and care of nature in the city. Several events are scheduled from 7 to 8 October 2023 (the ISPRA event will be held on 21 October) organized in various Italian cities by the partners participating in the initiative. For the occasion, NNB is proposing a Citizen Science activity in one of the largest public parks in the capital, site of the Natura 2000 Network, the Villa Borghese area. ISPRA experts will accompany participants in the discovery of biodiversity in the park covered by the excursion and will encourage the recognition of the flora and fauna of the area visited, including the observation of avifauna.

The Geoscience Paradigm. Resources, risk and future perspectives

Sep 19, 2023 to Sep 21, 2023
Joint congress SIMP, SGI, SOGEI, AIV A congress to discuss the irreplaceable contribution of geology in the identification and sustainable use of natural resources, respecting the environment, prevention and defense against dangerous geological events and for the study of climate variations. The congress, jointly organized by the Italian Society of Mineralogy and Petrology (SIMP), the Italian Geological Society (SGI), the Italian Geochemical Society (SOGEI) and the Italian Association of Volcanology (AIV), is divided into three days on the main themes of Geosciences and includes plenary conferences by internationally renowned scholars as well as promoting discussion on topics of significant public impact. All sessions will address, for different disciplinary fields, the role of Geosciences for a sustainable, ethical and safe future, in protection from natural risks, including those triggered by climate change, and on the function that they must assume in the civic and scientific education of citizens . Numerous ISPRA researchers participate in the congress, both with scientific presentations and as organizers of scientific sessions. Event web site

Geosciences IR: shared geology at the service of all

Sep 20, 2023 from 10:00 AM to 01:30 PM Ferrara, RemTech Expo,
The innovative geological research infrastructure for sharing data, services, tools and applications for the benefit of everyone to act effectively in the territory On September 20th at RemTech Expo, the international event specialized on the themes of rehabilitation, regeneration and sustainable development of territories, a conference dedicated to the GeoSciences IR project will take place. ISPRA researchers will illustrate the innovative geological research infrastructure for sharing data, services, tools and applications for the benefit of everyone to act effectively in the territory.

The ecological transition of water. Knowledge, quality, integration

Oct 04, 2023 from 09:00 AM to 01:00 PM
To face the increasingly constant water crisis that Italy has been experiencing for several years now, we need a strategy for the ecological transition of water, which makes the water footprint increasingly sustainable in all sectors and which puts water at center of adaptation to the climate crisis. From drought to floods, from the protection of ecosystems to anthropic uses, water management passes through a single vision that guarantees the achievement of global objectives.

The BiodiversaMente Aperta city

Sep 22, 2023 from 09:00 AM to 01:00 PM Scandicci, Castello dell’Acciaiolo,
The slogan of the European Biodiversity Strategy 2030 states Bring nature back into our lives. The objective is clear: to combat the main direct causes of degradation of natural environments and make urban centers healthier places to live. But how to do it? What are the advantages that will derive from it in the short and long term? What compromises will we have to accept? What difficulties will have to be overcome? We will try to answer all these questions during the conference.

ISPRA partecipation at ECOMONDO 2023

Nov 07, 2023 to Nov 10, 2023
Ecomondo is the meeting and dialogue point between industries, stakeholders, policy makers, opinion leaders, local authorities and brings together the key elements that define the development strategies of the European Union's environmental policy. It is the international reference event in Europe and the Mediterranean basin for technologies, services and industrial solutions in the green and circular economy sectors. ISPRA program for today: How to preserve natural capital by recognizing its economic value Biowaste: XXV Conference on Composting and Anaerobic Digestion. Plenary Session Il PNRR e l'economia circolare Raccogliere la sfida dell’economia circolare. Europa ed Italia di fronte agli obiettivi del 2035 Approvvigionamento sostenibile e sicuro di materie prime critiche – Iniziative europee e nazionali The States General for Soil Health – 2nd edition. Sustainable carbon cycles – Healthy soils for a climateneutral economy. National session

Exhibition “Aliens. The conquest of Italy by plants and animals introduced by man"

Sep 15, 2023 to Oct 15, 2023 Voghera,
The exhibition aims to raise public awareness of the problem, which outside the scientific world is still little known with the exception of a few cases. Through the exhibition, everyone will be able to learn about the phenomenon and prevention methods to understand the importance of fighting invasive alien species in order to protect biodiversity and related ecosystem services.