Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


In Sicily ISPRA researchers identify a rare specimen of leaf fish

ISPRA researchers of the Palermo headquarters have acknowledged today a rare specimen of leaf fish (Lobotes surinamensis) that was never seen by local fishermen. It is indeed a very rare species in the Italian waters.
The specimen was caught by local fishermen in the waters of Sciacca (Agrigento) and showed to ISPRA researchers, thanks to the wide network of contacts established through years between scientists and operators, who make increasingly frequent reports of catches of unusual specimens.
As part of its activities in fact, ISPRA created a network and a database for the monitoring of marine non-native species and / or rare species. It is of great importance in this context the contribution made by sea operators.
The Lobotes surinamensis is characterized by a rather high and compressed body, covered with large flakes. The color is almost metallic gray, the eyes are small and round, the tail is rounded and can reach one a meter in length. The specimen caught in Sciacca measured 61 cm long and 29 cm in maximum width and weighed 6.4 kg. Today's discovery is an example of how citizens can contribute to the collection of data and information supporting the science (citizen science).