Animals culture: a new a new frontier for the knowledge and conservation of biodiversity
- Animals culture: a new a new frontier for the knowledge and conservation of biodiversity
- 2018-04-14T10:00:00+00:00
- 2018-04-14T18:00:00+00:00
- When Apr 14, 2018 from 10:00 AM to 06:00 PM (GMT+0 / UTC0)
- Where Parma
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In the last recent years there is more aware of the existence of authentic cultural specific traits in animals; hunting techniques, migration routes, in-depth knowledge of how the environment in offers on a seasonal basis, ability to exploit human presence, represents cultures that characterize complex social groups of animals. These cultures are potential mechanisms of segregataion between different groups and population and with the current scenario of climate change, some species can better adapt to the resulting ecological changes precisely because they are capable of exploiting a wider range of resources.
In this context, the UNEP Convention of Boon on the migratory species is the first tool to protect them with the aim to understand the importance of the animal culture for effective strategies on sustainable use and population survival.
The Tuscan-Emilian Apennines National Park, together with CMS, the Monteparma Foundation and ISPRA will host in Parma from 11 to 15 April, a specialized technical meeting on the management and conservation of cultural animal. This meeting will bring together for the first time a highly select group of international experts for different species groups. The meeting will be opened to the public on the morning of April 14th for a summary of the many important conservation projects carried out by the National Park thanks to the LIFE financial tool, while in the afternoon it will be possible to follow a series of interventions on the culture of different animal species by some of the world's greatest experts. The afternoon conference will be held in English but a free simultaneous translation service will be available to all participants.
Further information on the worshop of the 14 april and to register your partecipation :
Fernando Spina, ISPRA, Area per l’Avifauna Migratrice,
Mia Canestrini, Parco Nazionale dell’Appennino Tosco-Emiliano