Modeling for the management and protection of the marine environment
- Modeling for the management and protection of the marine environment
- 2018-06-05T09:00:00+00:00
- 2018-06-05T17:00:00+00:00
- When Jun 05, 2018 from 09:00 AM to 05:00 PM (GMT+0 / UTC0)
- Where La Spezia
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The use of numerical models in the environmental field has now assumed a fundamental role because with these tools it is possible to carry out evaluations of the effects that anthropic activities can produce on the environment, usable both for forecast and planning purposes.
Arpal has organized, with the aim to talk about this issues, a study day dedicated to the applications of numerical modeling at sea. The seminar, organized as part of the SEDRIPORT project, co-funded by the INTERREG Italy-France Marittime 2014-2020 program, will highlight the role of numerical modeling for the protection of marine environment quality, with a focus on sediment handling. in port areas, to support emergencies and safety at sea.
At the seminar will partecipate an ISPRA expert.