Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


EU cleaning service eco-label: how professional cleaning changes

  • When Oct 11, 2018 from 04:30 PM to 07:00 PM (GMT+0 / UTC0)
  • Where Milano
  • Add event to calendar iCal

EU and ISPRA Ecolabel in October in Milan to talk about the new criteria for interior cleaning services

The new EU Ecolabel criteria for interior cleaning services will be the focus of a meeting - promoted and organized by Afidamp in cooperation with ISPRA and the EU Ecolabel Section of the Committee for Ecolabel and Ecoaudit - to be held this autumn at the Forum Pulire of Milano.

The appointment is scheduled for 11 October, in Milan and will be an important opportunity for information, comparison and analysis for all professionals in the sector who wish to have more details about the opportunities offered by the EU Ecolabel Decision 2018/680 of last May, which has opened the doors of environmental certification also for the operators of professional interior cleaning.

During this initiative - whose access is free, upon registration on the site of the AFIDAMP - will be distributed to the participants the copy in Italian of the EU Ecolabel User Manual for Cleaning Services (currently only available in English). An Ispra expert will partecipate at the event.

For more information and registration: