Projects concluded
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AdriaClim is a new research project funded by the Italy-Croatia Interreg Cooperation Programme dedicated to supporting the development of science-based regional and local climate change adaptation plans. AdriaClim is coordinated by the Environmental Protection Agency of Emilia-Romagna Region (ARPAE), involves 19 partners and brings together research institutes, universities, institutions and business from Italy and Croatia. |
ADRICOSM-EXT contributes to the Partnership, coordinated by the Italian Ministry for the Environment and Territory, byenlarging the ADRICOSM Pilot Project experience to all Adriatic Countries, i.e. Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Serbia-Montenegro;continuing the implementation of a state of the art monitoring and forecasting system for the marine coastal areas and the river catchments. |
The main objective of Adricosm Star GeoPortal is the support to data exchange in Adricosm Star and the implementation of tools to facilitate the access to data and information through portals. The objective is to convert individual data provider systems into a federation.
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The Banquette di Posidonia: integrating knowledge and promoting a model of ecological beach with responsible management Project financed under the Call of the Lazio Region "Research Group Projects", has the objective of identifying and promoting eco-sustainable and innovative management strategies of Posidonia accumulations on sandy shores at a regional level. |
BALMAS Balmas project integrates all necessary activities to enable a long-term, environmentally efficient, and financially and maritime transport sustainable implementation of BWM (Ballast Water Management) measures in the Adriatic. The general BALMAS objective is to establish a common cross-border system linking all Adriatic research, experts and national responsible authorities to avoid the unwanted risks to the environment and humans from the transfer of HAOP (Harmful Aquatic Organism and Patogenous), through the control and management of ships’ BW and sediments. |
Assimilation of national water quality data in coastal areas for a marinedirectives oriented downstream product EU countries are requested to comply with many Directives with respect to coastal and marine environment (e.g., WFD, UWWTD, BWD, MSFD). Such Directives either specify threshold values to comply with, or prescribe environmental assessment procedures and actions to reach specific targets. CADEAU is a downstream coastal service that aims to routinely produce an annual environmental bulletin based on an integrated model downscaling of the regional Mediterranean Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service (CMEMS). |
The project is the result of the merging of two different streams of activity on the problem of protecting coastal areas: on the one hand, work relating to the protection of specific areas (often stimulated by catastrophic events), and on the other, initiatives aimed at developing general (at least at a national level) standards for assessing the “state of the coast”, its evolution and the causes of these changes. |
Since November 2004, APAT, now ISPRA, has participated, as the only Italian Institution, through the Department for the Protection of Inland and Marine Waters, to the project CRUE ERA-Net, a European coordination action on researches dedicated to the flood risk management. The project, funded through the Sixth Framework Programme for Research and Technological Innovation (FP6) on the priority “Global Change and Ecosystems” thematic area “Sustainable Development”, with a total budget of € 3 million, is part of the ERA-Net scheme, which is aimed at integrating and strengthening the European research area |
The Danube Floodrisk project was approved in the first call of the Territorial Cooperation Programme South-East Europe and it is based on a Community funds of over € 6 million from the European Regional Development Fund and the Financial Instrument IPA, reserved for Countries of pre-accession to UE. |
The international cross-border cooperation project DeFishGear, funded under the European Programme IPA Adriatic, combines the strengths of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Greece, Italy, Montenegro and Slovenia to address the various aspects related to the presence of solid waste in Baltic Adriatic.
The Interreg Alpine Space is a European transnational cooperation program for European regions that occupy the entire Alpine area. The main objective is to facilitate cooperation between key economic, social and environmental actors in seven Alpine countries, and among the various stakeholders: universities, administrations, business sector, innovation, and decision-making processes |
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FIT4REUSE is a project that aim to provide safe, locally sustainable and accepted ways of water supply for the Mediterranean agricultural sector by exploiting non conventional water resources, namely wast water treatment and desalted water. |
The LIFE LAGOON REFRESH project foresees the diversion of a freshwater flow from the Sile river into the lagoon, necessary for recreation of the typical salt gradient of buffer areas between lagoon and mainland, for restoration of the reedbed habitat, and for improvement of the Lagoon environment and its biodiversity. |
The Yearbook project involves the digitisation of all data published in the Hydrological Yearbooks since 1921 in order to create a national database.Each Hydrological Yearbook contains data for a given year and for the area of competence of the Departmental Office of the National Hydrographic Service, responsible for editing and publishing the data concerned |
IWRM-NET is a project of the ERA-Net coordinated by the Office International de l'Eau and funded by the European Commission within the Sixth Framework Programme for research.The research and development at Community level has as its foundation the Lisbon Strategy and the European Commission communication "Towards a European Research Area (ERA), which aims to overcome the fragmented nature, not coordinated and therefore less effective for research at Community level. |
The main objective of the project is to preserve the quality of coastal zones through integrated management of sediments from dredging activities in small harbours. The integrated management approach is expected to lead to the implementation of a network-based system coordinating the 9 small harbours located in the Emilia-Romagna Region, which will include all the sediments-related activities (i.e., dredging, separation/treatment, reuse, and disposal). |
The SEDI.PORT.SIL. project is intended to demonstrate the efficiency of consolidated treatment technologies coupled with innovative techniques aimed to the recycle and valorization of port dredged sediments, that can be considered an important resource rather than just a dangerous waste.
The project Ocean aims to upgraded European capabilities for reference marine information and provide a wide range of key ocean indicators. Hence the project provides the major building blocks that are needed to allow the operational deployment of a full GMES Marine Service. The follow up of the project is MyOcean2 from april 2012 to september 2014. |
L’obiettivo principale del progetto MyOcean Follow On è quello di operare come un rigoroso, solido e sostenibile componente del pre-operativo Servizio Marino Copernicus che rilascerà informazioni sullo stato fisico degli oceani e dell’ecosistema per gli utenti intermedi e a valle nei settori della sicurezza marittima, delle risorse marine, dell’ambiente marino e costiero, del clima e delle previsioni stagionali. |
A pan-European concerted and integrated approach to operational wave modelling and forecasting – a complement to GMES MyOcean services |
The project aims to verify the ability of nanostructured material to adsorb organic and inorganic contaminants present in marine and river sediments, coupled with dehydration, using geotextile drainage membranes (geotube), in order to reduce the volumes of materials. |
PAWA - Pilot Arno Water Accounts The project PAWA — Pilot Arno Water Accounts (Grant Agreement No. 07.0329/2013/671279/SUB/ENV.C.1) started at the beginning of January 2014 as part of the funding Call announced by the Directorate General Environment of the European Commission (DG ENV), with the aim of promoting preventive actions on European basins against desertification through a sustainable management of water resources.
The project PIANO (Policies, Innovation, And Network for enhancing Opportunities for China-Europe watercooperation) is funded by EU Programme Horizon 2020 and supported by the China-Europe Water Platform CEWP. It aims at strengthening the international cooperation in the field of water between Europe and China and promoting the creation of networks of companies, SMEs, entrepreneurs, NGOs, policy makers, regulators and funding agencies to create business and social opportunities. |
The project for Preparedness for Oil-polluted Shoreline clean-up and Oiled Wildlife interventions – POSOW, coordinated by the Regional Marine Pollution Emergency Response Centre for the Mediterranean Sea (REMPEC), is a two year project funded by the European Commission under the Civil Protection Financial Instrument, to improve the preparedness and response in marine pollution in the Mediterranean region.
In 2012-2013, the two year project for Preparedness for Oil-polluted Shoreline clean-up and Oiled Wildlife interventions – POSOW (hereafter referred to as “POSOW I”) supported the establishment of a regional cooperation synergy in the field of marine pollution through the enhancement of knowledge and capacities of professional and volunteer operators working in civil protection services, in municipalities and in NGOs, in the European Union coastal countries of the Mediterranean Sea (namely: Croatia, Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy, Malta, Slovenia and Spain). |
The overall aim of REFORM is to provide a framework for improving the success of hydromorphological restoration measures to reach, in a cost-effective manner, target ecological status or potential of rivers.
WatEUR - Tackling EUropean Water Challenges The Coordination and Support Action WatEUr of the Joint programming Initiative “Water challenges for a changing world” is funded by the European Commission in the frame of FP7 with the Grant agreement
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WaterWorks2014 è la prima ERA-NET promossa dall'Iniziativa di Programmazione Congiunta "Water challenges for a changing world” - Water JPI – finanziata dalla Commissione Europea nell’ambito di Horizon 2020. |
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La ERA-NET “WaterWorks2015” per il quinquennio 2016-2020 ha consentito il proseguimento delle attività di ricerca e innovazione nel settore dell’acqua allineando gli obiettivi e i risultati della Water Joint Programming Initiative (Water JPI) con quelli del programma europeo per la ricerca Horizon 2020. Le attività sono state successivamente prorogate per emendamento al contratto con la DG Research and Innovation della Commision |