Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Project concluded




The Open LOD platform based on HPC capabilities for Integrated Administration and Control System of Common Agrarian Policy (Open IACS) project is funded by the European Commission through the Executive Agency for Innovation and Networks (INEA). Started in September 2019, it lasts 36 months and sees the participation of 5 European countries: Greece, Italy, Lithuania, Poland and Spain. For Italy CREA, AGEA, ENEA and ISPRA participate.


Water Health Open knowledge - WHOW

The project has aims to develop a framework to foster the creation of a large data ecosystem on water consumption and quality, health parameters, and dissemination of diseases to be reused for advanced analysis and development of innovative services. WHOW addresses the generation of cross-border and cross-domain services also re-using information made discoverable through the European Data Portal.