Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



GReen ENgineering solutions: a new LIFE for SEdiments And Shells

GREENLIFE4SEAS stems from the urgent need to find out sustainable solutions for two highly impacting marine wastes: dredged sediments and shells. GREENLIFE4SEAS responds to these needs through a triplehelix model of Consortium, where synergy among research capitalisation, industrial symbiosis and societal participation, is the key to innovation. It will involve EU member states in exploiting research results produced over the years by the scientific partners, for original applications granted by the inventive genius of two industrial partners.
The GREen and ENgineering-based solutions will make it possible a breakthrough to turn both the wastes into resources, bringing them to a new LIFE. GREENLIFE4SEAS will craft a first versatile ecodesign byproduct, the shell powder, that will be used as secondary raw material with sediments and binders to create, directly in 4 port areas (4SEAS) via a prototype of supermobile-plant, three innovative by-products, i.e., paving blocks, breakwaters and mass stabilisation.

Further information

Web site of the project
